Dec 09, 2015 09:48
Busy lately. Busy often.
Yesterday I got fed up with my headaches and trouble sleeping and went to the doctor. He gave me a fancy new Neti-Pot, by which I mean a modified squeeze bottle. It does seem to work much better than the teapot version. A surprising number and variety of little snot globs came out of my nose this morning.
Before I had been using the teapot every few weeks at most. Apparently people who really have problems sometimes use them 2-5 times a day. I'm going to try to stick to two for now, before work and before bed.
Last night I had the best sleep I'd had in quite a while, even though I woke up a few times. It may be that I have to use the NetiPot all through the winter, but if it clears up this sinus infection without more drugs I am all for it. (The doctor gave me some drugs too, but they're more short-term.)
Everything smells like salt, though.
Catthulhu: Last night I finished up the Call of Catthulhu scenario I'd been working on. I thought it went fairly well. My prezi based prep worked
out; I didn't forget many of the things that I wanted to mention. I am thinking of writing it up to put on DriveThruRPG, which the CoCatthulhu author seems fine with.
Next week I'll be running another session of Team Rocket. I'd like to squeeze in a Red Markets playtest for the usual group, then maybe another one on my birthday. Otherwise I'll run Convergence with the new Delta Green rules, I think. (It pretty much depends on whether I get through the full RM book and how the first playtest goes.)
After that, I will probably settle down to avoid using up all my system goodwill with the usual group. I know not everyone enjoys bouncing between systems to see how they "feel" the way that I do.
After reading a Let's Play of Persona 4, I am a bit more intrigued by picking up Double Cross. I like DC's lean scenario structure, but the mechanics in play can be fairly involved. I might run it but it would be a post Christmas kind of deal - especially because I'd want to introduce the mechanics gradually. That would require basically remaking the pregenerated characters - one version with the base abilities, then another with the ~powerz~. This would be necessary in any case because the pregen character sheets in the book are .. confusing.
The system itself isn't actually that complex, it's just not presented especially well from the character sheets. This is actually pretty common in RPGs. (Maybe I am just bad at learning them, but like Carl Sagan, hopefully this helps me to teach them to other people more effectively.)
That said, Persona is basically an extremely Japanese, lighter version of Unknown Armies. The same sort of ideas could be handled in many systems, including Monsters and Other Childish Things with a big focus on the Bonds.
If I'm not still feeling that and I can spare the time, I'd probably just do a mini-campaign of some type. Maybe go back to Ghouls of New York, maybe read through Dreamhounds of Paris over break. Or DracDoss. The possibilities are extensive.
Edit: This is a really caffeinated entry. Maybe slow down there a bit in terms of projects.