Wednesday I worked out in the morning and submitted my paper. Then ran Team Rocket in the evening.
I am nervous about the paper, of course, but I can't mess around with it anymore. It's done. (At least for this publication.)
I kind of feel like I'm approaching a critical mass of thoughts and ideas, to the point where it's becoming paralyzing.
- Yesterday, I checked out the Adventure Time DS game from the library and The World Ends With You. Both seem kinda fun, but I didn't really want to go out and buy a new game today.
- I had assumed that I'd open one of those beers I'd been saving after submitting my paper, but I ended up frantically cleaning the house before Team Rocket started instead. I had a ginger cider and that was it. Maybe later. Oh! The gotslandsricka should be ready to drink.
- I've printed some of the Paranoia pre-gens but have not yet sat down and worked out my game for Saturday.
- While I had a lot of complaints about DA2, some of the ones other people have are kinda ridiculous. No wonder Bioware fans have a reuputation for being toxic.
- Finishing Dragon Age II did not satisfy the RPG itch.
I'd like to play something else, something where it feels like my decisions matter. Also something not ridiculously grimdark, because I was rolling my eyes at stuff by the end of DA2.
Possible options:
- Neverwinter Nights 2 (or expansions)
- Icewind Dale (kind of weak on story by most reports)
- Knights of the Old Republic II
- Jade Empire
- Fallout 3/New Vegas (a little light on ongoing story for what I had in mind)
- Planescape Torment
- Divinity II: Dragon Dragon Dragon
Something like Fable would be basically perfect..
Or for something entirely different, more Earthbound, Xenoblade, or that Mark of the Ninja game.
I like Dark Souls, but it is pretty gloomy and a completely different style of game. I have a few other D&D hack and slash games from the mists of time, but those generally don't really let you decide what kind of character you're playing in favor of the existing story.
My mind is wandering when it comes to RPG mechanics again. I am intrigued by FATE, once again, which for some reason seems to happen in the fall. Some people online have mentioned running Exalted Modern with FATE (at which point I would question how much Exalted is left, since you've presumably thrown out both the setting and the system) with success.
I kind of like that idea, of mythic heroes, but for some reason I don't really like thinking of them as superheroes. Part of my personal bias against comic book plots, I guess. Stealing the core idea from Scion and running it in FATE doesn't seem like a bad idea at all, though
Or, since the Day After Ragnarok FATE version just got released, that might be worth checking out. The preview stuff looked freaking awesome, Conan meets a magical Post-Apocalypse.
We may be taking a baby-related break from Team Rocket soon. Last night we used the system a bit more aggressively, in a fight scene, and it worked fairly well. (At least from my point of view. If it dragged for the players, they didn't say so.)
Other stuff I'd like to run/run more of:
- Dogs in the Vineyard??
- Mouse Guard
- Dungeon World, all the Dungeon World
- Trail of Cthulhu: Gugs of New York (I haven't forgotten..)
- Lemongrabs (difficulty: hard)
- a Monk
- a Roman soldier (difficulty: extreme)
- Is Krieger's lab coat a uniform? Seems like a stretch.
- Dayman and Nightman
As always, I am having a terrible time working with the theme.
Somethings that had been suggested and shot down: Jedi robes, Equalist outfits (Korra), I feel like there were more.
I have also been thinking about checking out some new TV shows. Supernatural, Father Ted, something or other different. I guess we are nearly to October and scary movie territory as well!