Oct 16, 2012 12:02
This week is a hydra. Each head that gets cut off grows a couple new ones.
I feel like distracting myself instead. My skill at self distraction may relate to why I don't finish more things. And that is why most of my current projects are half-finished. I'm half-finished on cleaning out the kegerator. My paper is maybe half-done. My presentation is hopefully a little more than half done, but it's certainly not finished until I've practiced it. Even in the book I'm reading, I'm stalled at the halfway point.
I am getting kind of tired of so many half-finished projects.
It's been tempting to get angry and frustrated over all sorts of little stuff. I am trying to avoid giving in to that temptation - not always with success.
I did get to play a little Icewind Dale on Sunday. I got to a town nestled in the roots of a gigantic oak tree. That's really cool. It is part of the appeal of fantasy stuff to me, I think, that you can do so much with it. But a lot of times it's the little touches that really make things come alive - for instance, in Risen, the giant seagulls do a threat display, trying to scare you off, before they attack. It's a really nice little touch.
The ginger beer is bubbling like crazy. I have no idea how it will taste but I am excited to try it soon. I would like to make some pumpkin juice too - finally found a recipe I like, though it's more like a pumpkin-infused cider. And that would be good if it was fermented.. hm.. maybe a use for the leftover yeast from the last batch of cider..
I am thinking maybe Blackbeard (Edward Teach) for my Halloween costume, if I can get some cool props together. The only mutual enemy of Pirates and Ninjas I can think of is like, robots or aliens and I don't want to be either of those.
video games,