Taking a break from studying; quick summary of my latest CoC game follows.
I had two pregen characters - a fortune-teller and a reporter. Raymond picked the reporter, no one took the fortune teller, though they looked him up later. Jill made a fruit vendor - which is to say a pimp specializing in gay men, Nich made a rather sleazy Catholic priest, and Jen made an aspiring police detective.
The year is 1928. America is still going through Prohibition and is winding up for the Great Depression.
The adventure started in a real-estate salesman's office. He had run a newspaper article, which the characters followed up on, to investigate a supposedly haunted house. The last two families to live there had some accidents; the original residents are faiely mysterious. The first family were some Germans with few connections; no one was really sure where to look them up. THe second family was New England stock and therefore a little better off. The parents were comitted and their children had been placed in State care.
The characters, after working out a competitive pay rate in Father O'Malley's case, set out to interview the parents. Some orderly trickery followed at the Shady Groves sanitorium. The father, Mathias, was only really lucid when they gave him paper, though he had a tendency to try and eat it first. When given paper he would constantly draw and mentioned some things about a German ghost with half his face missing and some hauntings that began in the pantry. Dottie would talk at great length about anything except the house, and could only occasionally be brought around to speak of it. She actually seemed faiely sane if stubborn and unpleasant.
Of the two, Mathias was hte more useful - providing crude sketches of the different rooms. After their lengthy interviews, the group set out to investigate the house - but first, they got help. They rung up a fortune-teller, the Amazing Frederico (who turned out to be from Pittsburgh, but fairly competant) and one of Catty O'doul's gay hos who spoke German.
Once inside the house, they immediately stumbled into an illusion of a happy family scene on a porch. When the scene faded, they found themselves in a wrecked area, with moonshine equipment laying around with human waste. They were soon accosted by an old hillbilly, Old Nate - who claimed that his grandpappy had built the house and driven out the usurpers. Old Nate did admit that he didn't venture through most of the house, but the ghosts didn't bother him or his son none.
The characters proceeded to the kitchen, suffering another vision - this one of stainless steel food crates full of maggots with rats floating at the top. A few snapped out of it, and they found an old diary page taped under the table, with a painting of the same scene on it. The diary spoke of injuries and mental health and seemed to reference World War I.
Afterwards, Jen's detective went looking for Old Nate's son, Young Red. Young Red is not the brightest and stutters his speech, but was pretty well taken in by the detective's manipulations. He also agreed to help them explore the house.
They then ventured into the pantry, where a hunched over creature was shuffling back and forth. It had some sort of locked gas mask on its face, and its body was well wrapped. Wires snaked around its arms from open wounds, and its legs bent backwards. Catty's translator/ho tried saying some friendly things in German, but the creature casually walked over and dug its wire-tipped limb into the working man's chest, neatly slicing him. The rest attacked. Father O'Malley and Franknfurter (the ho's name) nearly died. The rest barely fought off the creature, as it patiently sliced at them with wire-tipped limbs. It was mostly pelted with the swolled, spoiled canned food in the pantry. When the creature finally succombed, it faded away, leaving another diary page and a picture of the creature itself.
And that was where we broke. Pretty good session. Lots of fun to run.