When an underground Rapid Transit System thats 'abandoned' for half the year is between 500 and 800km away (from your starting position), you dont rush out to explore it. You wait 11 years, explore some Toronto Subway, a bit of Paris Metro and some London Underground.
Only THEN do you drive (only just) 500km into the one place in Australia where it snows in Winter (around June to August), in the middle of Spring (November). Cos at this time of year the 'Alpine Railway' as its called, is left thoroughly unattended.
The system, which has been a half year, ski season only (roughly) operation since 1988 is yet another amazing feat, civil engineered by our perennial favorites Transfield.
Its a Swiss designed, Australian engineered, near fully subterranean railway that runs a short distance as regards a train line, but incorporates 5.9kms of very deep tunnel (up to 1/2 a kilometre deep), incorporating two underground stations. The first 3.6km, covered here, is at a constant, wearisome grade of a mere 12%.
Prior to our Skitube arrival, about 30 of us had already camped, got pissed and had a party in the surrounds neighboring the Geehi Pothole. Now, a diminished group (some people were old and tired) walked the 2km uphill to the start of the Skitubes.
We stopped briefly to look at the layup yard... now well protected with electrified fences cos graffers get a hard-on for Comegs even out here...
Then it was ever onwards. uphill to the portal. Were we found a convenient lightswitch.
I never originally had a camera for this trip. Oriface was very kind to lend me his 70D and tripod. I hadnt taken a photo in over 2 years at this point, let alone digital, so some of these aint exactly pearlers.
The first half of the Skitube proved far more interesting than idve hoped for. Admittedly, lots of smooth bored TBM tunnel. Overhead traction, dirty big greasy cog-rail. Hell of a bloody leg up with the incline.
But eventually we reached the first station.
Tinsel-town! I gotta say its odd wandering and underground railroad with absolutely no fear of getting nicked. The station was deserted. Not a soul in sight. We even found a work wagon and a service tunnel to the surface.
With still another 2.5km left unexplored we took the trek downhill, almost as hard as the uphill was and get to getting back to our campsite before 4am.... Then drove 500km home the next day.