L'intérieur de la Boucle

May 10, 2012 06:05

Heh. This ones from bloody 2010!

The Last Hurrah in 2010, i caught the Eurostar over to GAY Paris, hung out with a mad bunch of Pommy and Skippy reprobates; occasionally pestered the odd local (Hi BHV!!); rode free bikes around the easy-breezy-beautiful-cover-girl streets of some big French city; slept in an old house that some geezer who wore a jizz-stained Bandanna had formerly resided in; failed to sleep even with a sleeping bag and a single bed duvet (God Bless Eurostar) cos it was fucking freezing; smashed multiple cans strong lager that im now ashamed to name cos they've become a bad UE internet meme, while flatlining Stillnox (this got me to sleep btw); accidentally ordered 'Confits De Connard' instead of 'Confits de Canard' (Preserved Asshole/Preserved Duck) at a little 14th Bistro; got in trouble for saying 'encule' (NOT MY FAULT I WAS TOLD TO BY THE QUEENSLANDERS) too many times; ran around the Paris Metro till my head exploded; escaped twice then got caught the third time. Fined 50 Euros.

And did the Villiers Loop.

Snappel, despite the fact he whines about Australia being too much like England (when hes so fucking wrong), is still a great bloke. He also doesnt know he's a(n) (albeit very grumpy) T800 series Terminator, who forgot his original mission and relative to this tale, used his hyperalloy combat chassis to singularly overcome a stuck submarine door, from the wrong side... down a manhole shaft... somewhere in some French city.

SAID submarine door, lead down into an old Paris metro loop... long since bypassed, the bulk of its single loop tunnel converted into now disused underground office space (complete with a nice front door that was destroyed by some noob named 'Hount'). Upon carefully traversing the quiet, illuminated, vacuum cleaned office sections, we arrived at the point where the former single track loop channels into a twin track single tunnel.


Only the French do this. Leave trains lying around. Unlike the Anglo's of the world, they realise that some things really arent worth causing a fuss about. Even a shittonne of graff on a bunch of old metro trains. After seeing the odd laid up train in the 'Kindergarten' that is Sydney's 'pseudo subway', then seeing *none* in London, you adjust quite quickly to the flabbergasting regularity in which you encounter trains parked up in Parisian metro tunnels. From 'in service', to 'no longer used', to 'prototype'. They leave 'em all lying around, unprotected, powered down and in lit tunnels. Madness.

This section however, is full of old timers. Out of service for good. If even, in service, ever.
The Third was off; the end of the loop, where it joined the live line, fenced off, but in view of a nearby station. We dawdled, photographed and generally fucked about this underground train graveyard, quite content to relish in the fact that the catacombs of Dead Parisian Trains is far more interesting than than the catacombs of Dead Parisian Humans...

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