Weiner Unterbahn

Nov 25, 2010 05:08

If only it was like this in London... Access to metros/Tubes/U-Bahns via drains/sewers! Sadly, in London its not... indeed a few of the cities old sewers were ripped up and diverted when the Underground Railway arrived in Jolly Old Laandaaan. Others, like the Tyburn and Westie, were run thru the tube stations via big steel pipes.

In Vienna tho... with an extra 100 years of tech under their belts... they managed to build the sewers and u-bahns to live in harmony!

Beyond this didactic partnership (Hint, Hint TFL!) being mutually beneficial in regards to unterwelt infrastructure, its also extremely handy for those who explore both drains and subway tunnels. We got into this section of Vienna's U-Bahn via a DRAIN! Flabbergasted! Amazed! W.T.F?!

Despite the easy peasy lemon squeezy access, we ended up in a layup... a very busy layup. Busy to the point that its seemingly in use to shunt, clean and maintain trains 24 hours a day. As such, our little jaunt was done while trains pulled in and out, cleaners bustled and train drivers yawned and wished it wasnt 4 o clock in the AM. As you'd imagine, we were only down there for 15 mins and i forgot my tripod... thus the lack of pictures and variety therein.
Still, it was a good laugh and a nice final touch to the Balkans trip.

Trying to hide by bunching up.

Train Drivers Be Here!

All Calm on this side.

No Tripod.

Budapest Line 4 Tunnel.

Lucy up the Szabadság (Liberty) Bridge.

Up the Széchenyi (Chain) Bridge.

u-bahn, metro, budapest, vienna, bridges

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