Sucks to be Me.

Aug 21, 2009 21:33

Due to an almost silent seniority system, whereby certain Driver Instructors are 'higher' up than others, i wont be doing any learning on this beast:

Which is daft, cos once employed, ill be driving doubles, whereas the trainees under the supervision of the Instructor who gets the double, via the instructor seniority, will be driving single deckers at another garage once they are fully trained.

With the training double back in action, having freshly passed its MOT, i now get the better single MV7 and as such im just glad we're no longer gunna have MV3 (the old Optare single decker). Its exhaust filter is clogged (from burning through 10 litres of oil a week) which acts heavily against its engine, producing enormous amounts of backpressure and making it incredibly sluggish. Its battery keeps running flat as well. I never doubted the mechanics behind big fuck off extractor pipes and straight through, 3 inch exhausts on cars, now i most certainly never will.

A few days ago, i went with Zero and Site to do Serpents Lair. This notorious storm relief, in Hammersmith, is well known for being the dirtiest and stinkiest in London. Its well known also for being bollocks deep in sludge for most of its admittedly labyrinthine length.

So we went down and indeed it was dirty and sticky, and i wore three pairs of gloves on my hands to avoid teh DrainAIDs, but if it wasnt almost empty of sludgy water and utterly spectacular to boot! Id very much underestimated how cool it would be, tunnels running here and there, odd shapechanges, random shit, frogs bouncing around everywhere... I love it when i think something's gunna be rubbish n then it proves me so utterly wrong.

We finished up in the huge pumping chamber. Yes, that is sewer waste hanging from the railings, indeed, even from the winch chain to the left (excuse the pictures, i took them with my phone) and yes, indeed that is a high water mark around the walls. You DO NOT wanna be in here when its been raining heavily!

Looking down, two 12ft pipes come in beneath hitting huge steel mesh grilles (for collecting the toilet paper, tampons, dead babies and sanitary napkins) before passing underneath where i was standing, into a chamber containing 4 of the biggest vacuum pump suction nozzles ive ever seen, which lift the flow up into the Low Level Interceptor.

[insert 'hardcore sucky sucky me so horny love you long time' blowjob noises here]
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