All over London, there are Fake KFC's... little takeaway shops named 'Tennessee Fried Chicken', or 'S(outhern)FC'. Everywhere. They even use the same font and typeset as KFC, n in most cases they prove that 'The secret 11 herbs and spices' arent really secret at all, or simply that every Pakistani, Turk or Pole who cooks themselves up some fried chicken to sell at £2.50 less than KFC, is capable of quite accurately mimicking the stuff from Kentucky.
Why arent there any fake McDonalds or Burger Kings? Is a Big Mac indeed harder to recreate than the Colonels 'Fried Best'? Seems so. Anyways, i wouldnt bother commenting upon any of these joints, cept that theres one on a major five way intersection i can ill afford to avoid crossing if i dont want a major detour. But detours i have indeed taken, to avoid walking past the place... why you ask? COS IT SMELLS SO FRICKIN GOOD! And when i wants me some cheap as, tasty as get-the-fuck-out-of-here-n-buy-me-some-Friii-Chikin-right-now Fried Chicken, i have a hard time not bending over to the will of the sign outside saying 2 large pieces with chips n a Coke for £3.10. And they are biiig pieces.
I am at war with nature... Australian inner city suburbs are indeed, with the exception of insects, devoid of wildlife in comparison to London. I hear Foxes fucking, Squirrels chase each other up trees, Badgers get into fights with high speed car tyres and lose, Weasels amble down the side of the road.... The White cat is gunna get its fucking neck wrung if it doesnt stop pulling its 'who locked me out of the asylum' mewling routine outside my bedroom window... I step on slugs in my bare feet, the mices steal my food and i admit, i was pleased to find a German cockroach, a lone warrior, scurrying across the kitchen floor the other day.
I live with bampots... an incestuous Hungarian family, a crazy Indian and his autistic daughter, a lost and confused Frog, a Lincolnian who has ASBOS out on all her former boyfriends and a dude on disability pension at the age of 26 (so in reality the white cat with its crossed eyes and retarded moans should technically be in here). Thank Christ for White Ace. 18p per unit. If i dont start this job, im gunna use the amendments the bus company paid to have done to my drivers license n get myself the heavy vehicle qualification myself. Hopefully i will start though.
Anyways, heres a few piccies from the Longbridge MG/Rover plant. By the time i got there all the robots had left to join Skynet and the human workers to join the resistance... who'dve thunk the War against the Machines started in a Birmingham Car Factory. Proof that im a bit jaded by 13 years of UE, i found the discarded MG TF chassis left around the most interesting thing there. Proof that cars need to be photographed under bright lights, these look a little dark im afraid.