Down To Me.

Jun 12, 2008 02:15

I dont know if i sleep tight, given my bed uses springs rather than rope knotted around timber cranks. Either way my daily secondary snoozers after work usually result in my dreams manifesting themselves in my surrounds, which encompass noises outside, 'du-du-dunks' from msn, light thru the cracks and delusions that each time i roll over in bed ive achieved something far greater in my dream.

The primary, night-time half of my segmented sleep cycle is far more sturdy, the cranks are certainly fully wound. Dead to the world. 04:30 still sucks nuts tho.

Im looking forward to getting the fuck out of here. Getting a life again. Doing more than ive been. I have more plans than anyone can imagine.

I watched 'Barbarella' the other night, then 'Brother From Another Planet' tonight. It was a relished experience seeing such science fiction, one so fantas-tacky-ly odd, the other, down to earth yet quietly inspired.
Other planets arent as interesting as ours... at least, i refuse to say otherwise until ive seen more of ours. Id never noticed that Jane Fonda was a bit of a hottie when she was young. Its the eyes n the forehead. Joe Morton is actually really good, nothing like his annoying character in Terminator 2.

I also watched 'Noise', the AFI winner. Apart from some storm drains in Sunshine, i was uninspired. Likewise, 'Looking For Alibrandi' didnt have the shots of White Bay PS and the Glebe Silos id thought it had. Australian film isnt as good as it was in the 80's n 90's me thinks.

Im/we're waiting for Quantum X to get his passport before i/we can book the tix to Kiev then Moscow, as it seems flights to these cities cant be booked without on-hand passport details. I hope its soon, prices are on the up.

Ive stopped answering my phone. Why? Cos i wasnt aware that Just Cars by default re-ran your ad if you didnt inform them the vehicle had sold already... i dunno, it didnt seem so stupid to assume theyd only run it for one month. Ive had 26 phone calls today, i can foresee another 200.

Theres a Ministry cover of 'Under My Thumb' by the Rolling Stones. Its seriously one of the most kickin, fuckin cover songs ive heard in ages. Alien Jourgensen and Paul Barker, with Burton C. Bell (Fear Factory) doing vocals. Sorry Mick Jagger, your version sucks.


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