Get in touch.

Jan 05, 2007 21:24

So often, physical intimacy, to the point of sex, is considered, within socially admitable levels, to be based on lust, or indeed reproduction. The idea of this intimacy as an expression of appreciation, of caring, of bonding, of connection, that idea gets left by the wayside so often, left to personal conversations; womens magazines; articles in the Sydney Morning Herald, wiped aside by sex appeal, porn, machoism, Jerry Springer, advertising, a day to day lack of emotional expression.

I had a funny thought the other day. Real fuckin obvious too, couldnt figure out why i hadnt seen it this way before.

We're human beings, blunt, fleshbound organisms that sit at the top of the food chain, mostly unaware of our primative situation.

This situation i refer to is that, as beings we are like cats scratching at doors that will never open, in regards to each other. We cannot connect mentally beyond the physical or indeed verbal. Hell, we sleep in our own heads and unawares, live half our lives thus.

Betazoids from Star Trek dont exist. We cant get inside each others minds, the only place were we could truly express appreciation (amoungst a host of other emotions) for each other.

Evolution has trained us to value and find attractive each others bodies, cos lets face it, in terms of physical contact, BRAINS aint whats attractive. But i found myself inexplicably, yet so logically, looking at physical intimacy, be it simple touch or full blown intercourse (God its been a while since i used that word, lol) as the only way, the primitive way, in which we can show our appreciation, our caring, our wanting of the spirit and mind of another.

I heard a quote the other day that rang so simply true, the kind of simple that so easily slips by.

'Our bodies are just boxes for our minds. We really want each others minds, but in our limitation, we can only get as close, in a physically connective sense, to our minds, as our bodies will allow us.'

So when you hug someone tightly or appreciate aspects of their person, its you recognising that you cant get any closer to their mind and soul and that as an extension of their mind and soul you present your tribute to their body.

Like that Squashed Face Cat, scratching on a door that will never open, cos evolution, or whatever the fuck else, has deemed has that to be the way things are.

Do you understand, lol?

I hope you do.
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