Jul 07, 2008 13:55
As receptionist all the packages come through me. I send out e-mails letting people know. Today we got a a package for Dawn, well, there is no Dawn at the company. I spent half an hour trying to figure out who they could be wanting (tracking down every piece information on every bit of writing on the package). I see that the last ndame is shared with a Don . . . I sent an e-mail letting him know that something came in for Dawn, and thought that the sender might have just fucked up the name (I think I said messed up). His response?:
"Oh darn. I TOLD them not to send packages to drag persona here!!!!!
I have had a couple of really good laughs so far today. It would not be quite as amusing if not for the fact that this guy would take some serious work to look like a Dawn (ie no femine features at all).