(no subject)

Dec 19, 2016 20:06

Name: Christine
Age: 48.
Location: California
Tumblr/Goodreads/IG/etc: er...no.
Snapchat: Nope not that either.  I started Twitter in 2011 b

Describe yourself in five sentences or less: Full of contradictions.

Top 5 fandoms:  Wish I had time.  Rereading Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe, so obvs sci fi is still it.  I used to costume and cosplay.  And well, Studio Ghibli of COURSE.

I mostly post about... Things probably best left under my therapy filter, so it usually is.  It's why I had to go back because I needed a place to keep my diary.

My last three LJ posts were about... Predictions by a friend and time slippage, more time slippage, dreaming Japanese horror films.

How often do you post? How about commenting?  Posting at least once a week but I don't comment much because almost everyone left and the people who remained don't post and the communities I was in have died slow withering deaths except for the abandonedplaces and I don't know what to comment but it's interesting.

A GIF to describe how your day has been today so far:  I don't know how to embed it.  I'm modern LJ impaired, apparently.  But cleaning and moving the cat.  The cat is cold because the house is cold.  The house is dusty because I turned the heat on but the cat is still cold.

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