Sep 26, 2006 17:33
I am trying to think of a good name for the rat that lives with me before he dies. I really don't like the fact that he is there and I really wish that he would go away, but I feel terrible that he has to die. He probably just thought that the incense in my house smelled good and that maybe I was a nice person who might give him some almonds or other kind of yummy snack. Poor guy.
I realized what my favorite thing in the world is. Going on a road trip with super loud music that is so fun to sing to, and turning it up so loud that you can't hear anything so it can only be assumed that you sound just as good as Christina Aguilera. It is a confidence booster to the point where you walk into the gas station to get a bottle of water to quench your parched throat and you realize that you actually do think that you are Whitney fucking Houston because of how you are shaking that ass as you walk into that gross little store with poop on the window. That is definetely the best.
I need to go to the lab and do my goddamn homework. Photography is starting to bore me especially when all you do is sit behind a damn computer and fix the white heads on people's foreheads. Grrrr.
Thanks for the ice cream Jackie. Now I'm fat.