Nov 24, 2010 19:17
So last night Katherine asked to color. She sat down with her marker and drew a nice circle, which isn't too new. Then she drew 2 straight lines under it... "hmmmm" I thought "is that a person?" She then made two careful dots in the upper third of her circle, and a little circle right below them. And then another circle under that. She looked at it and declared "Katherine!"
She then drew the same thing (w/o a mouth) next to it and declared "Mommy!", and a started a third. However her dot made the paper move and it smeared. She made little fists and kinda shook, stuck out her lips in a pout and declared "that's wrong!! that's wrong! grrrrh"
So we now have armless and bodiless people! And apparently moms with no mouths... They are pretty darned cute, so much so that I had to take them to work and show them off. Yep I was THAT mom today.