Sep 18, 2007 15:06
Just Chilling at work doing the same old same, tho there is a strange comfort in doing this repeated lifestyle. i feel myself finding something of a center to my live & existence perhaps there is a real hope for me but as with all time's there is a carm before a storm.
This weekend was extremely quiet, but it was fantastic, i came to some sudden personal realizations about my personal belief's & relationships, for once in a long time i felt really generally loved & happy, although there wear some issues that wear overcome it was all rather constructive & positive.
I spent fri night just chilling with my best friend's Tabitha & phil & of course kat, we all went down to this little Italian restart down the rd form me & had oven fired pizza, it was lovely but the one that tab& phil ordered was a little strange. But overall it was a nice dinner & we had some nice conversation. we ended the evening with some good TV Heros :P.
Saturday me an kat went out to Mosman park & we started a movie account & hired a few movie's the movie store is a really big it has a great selection & i spotted a section that sold cheap PC game's & console game's & old rental DVD, i was excited as me an kat are both avid movie buffs.
I spotted Chronicals of Riddic ( escape from butcher bay) the pc game & it was $20. i wanted to get it but i hand not planed any spending like that so i left it & me an kat found some great rentals, we had lunch together Red rooster yummy :P but hardly healthy lol.
WE moved all the furniture around so the bed was in the loundge & we laid back with pancakes & yummy's & chilled & watched all our movie's late into the night, best thing was the entire time we wear both nothing but affectionate & loving it was such a wonderful day, i feel better in her arm's than any wear else.
It was me for once that passed out, i was tired from cutting down this massive tree for my dad so i kinda wanted to catch up on sleep , but i was so happy with kat that i struggled on till late at night. Sunday we both chilled around the house maid breakfast we went out & took back the overnighter & got 3 more movies.
HA. when we took he vid's back :P riddick the game was marked down to $10 so it just shows that waiting & planing helps, i sat down an worked out id have anuf to get the game at 20. so when it was marked down i was happy :P.
So we chilled again with movie's & i when insane trying to get my game to work. basically no CD-ROM drive will work in my pc any longer functioning correctly anyway, even though the CD-ROM work fine they don't work in my machine even my DVD ROM wont read CD anymore. so i had to network 2 pc together & install over the network.
it was fun, but we cleaned the house up well kat did a lot more than me rly but she wanted to clean thing;s up a little so i helped hear & there , but as per usual she went on her cleaning rampage. i tell you it's breath of fresh air to live with someone that likes to keep shit clean, my last house mate/gf was a messy sod lol.
So as i said it was a really relaxed weekend but i had a great time really & got thing;s done i wanted to get done. i was supposed to go to sin with phil & tab & no doubt they are a little shitty about me baling out, but i was so happy with kat that night i didn't want to leave i mean i turned of my phone & kat's so that we would not get disturbed all day lol.
GREAT WEEKEND. but relaxing. these day's i cant afford much more than a relaxing weekend