no fucking way, BK

Feb 07, 2007 15:49

dave: holy cow, burger king
me: ?
dave: stacker with FOUR things of meat
me: omfg
dave: my god
me: thats fucking gross
dave: im gonna starve myself for 3 days just so i can eat one and see what it feels like
me: youll have an instant heartattack
me: i dont know whats worse
me: that they made it
me: or that people will buy it
dave: yeah, i should start smaller, with the doubel stacker... move up to the triple
dave: thenn the quad
me: eugh
me: wake up the next morning fat and stuck in bed
dave: if i wakeup
me: god, youd have to inject draino in your veins to clear your arteries
dave: i want some
me: draino?
dave: no the quad stacker
me: the years of running would go to waste
dave: hah years
me: yes. all exercising done in your life would be voided out
dave: and then some
me: is it a limited time thing or is it supposed to be permanent
dave: ill google it in a minute

dave: oh man, and the stacker has 4 things of cheese
dave: and BACON on top
dave: and thats it
me: jesus christttt
me: how many calories?
me: i bet it beats a hungryman
dave: ill google it
dave: 1,000 calories, 68 grams of fat, 30 grams of saturated fat, 240 milligrams of cholesterol, and 1,800 milligrams of sodium in the Burger King Quad Stacker.
dave: Burger King Quad Stacker’s four beef patties, four slices of American cheese, eight strips of bacon, BK Stacker Sauce, and sesame seed bun
me: omfg
me: fucking eight strips of bacon
me: thats like.. more bacon than i eat in 6 months to a year
dave: UPDATE: The BK Stacker is a permanent addition to the menu and is now available at all participating restaurants
dave: Fast Food News: BK Stackers and bottled milk
dave: No veggies allowed" is the crowning touch ...yes, it actually says that on their website. They don't care what these things do to people, as long as their cash registers keep going ka-ching! I think I just stopped going to Burger King
me: vomit
me: thats so disgustingggg
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