Well, at least I got to dye my hair

Sep 29, 2007 20:43

I had two separate invites to go spend this weekend with two different groups of friends, and for pretty much the same reason for each. It was the Panda's birthday this weekend (someday, I'm gonna get him a life-sized panda stuffy), and it was my friend Tati's birthday. Since I haven't seen the Tati in a while, I decided to go to her place, on the proviso that I was extracted from my place, since I don't currently have anything remotely resembling money.

So, of course, she never got back to me, regarding extraction plans. /sigh.

I've survived my first week of school. I am giving serious thought into going for my Master's, or even my Doctorate, as soon as I have my Bachelor's. I can blame my Poli Sci instructor for this. He has reminded me of why I MUCH prefer college-level education. In his class, we are encouraged, nay, required to think for ourselves, and to have opinions, even if they run counter to the 'established' norms. You can't really get away with that in high school, where you are required to learn by rote. I think I may just prefer college-level teaching to high school teaching. The other bonus is that I can specialize in Japanese History at the outset, if I'd like. I don't know. At least I've got a little time to think about it still.
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