(no subject)

May 09, 2008 19:49

One more week to go and then a pedday! I'm so happy these six weeks are nearly over. =^-^=

My dad's gone to Winnipeg. Five days of unadultered peace. Something that us females of the household have never known. Wow. My mom's taking advantage of his absence to paint the kitchen which he had been putting off for over six months. I'm taking advantage of the time to fix up the computer which has been working very slowly which he can't seem bothered to fix himself.

Physics was highly entertaining to say the least. The prof had given us a work period but it was obvious she was chipper and in a talkative mood. First she made running water dance using a plastic ruler charged with static electricity - dancing herself while she did the demonstration. Then we discussed some pretty random things. It just got plain weird however when she was pairing up guys. "Yeah, those two go on vacation together, and the other two, here, act like they've been married for only a hundred years."  The teacher pretty much just teased us, one classmate who has the attention span of a squirrel, and a guy who enjoys speaking like a valleygirl. Bibi got teased a bit for her Harry Potter obsession. You'd think she'd be used to it by now. xD I just did my homework. :X

We finished The Red Violin in French. I finally got to see the whole thing, it was so good! The music and the stories, I loved it all. Must buy it. 8D On Monday we'll have to write a review for it. This works and doesn't work since while I'm a critic, I critique books, not movies. Bah, I'll pull through.

The English practice exam is easy enough, I just have three separate ideas for a short story. I'll plan them all out this weekend and see which one writes itself the easiest. Probably either the one where I incorporate personal views or the slums(ish) one.

Chem teacher still wasn't there today. I want my test mark!


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