Aug 03, 2005 07:53
chak0171, discodawn,
i hope I didnt scare you too much this morning when you came to my office.
I felt bad when you left.
I'm a big babble goddess when i'm nervous. I'm shy about meeting new people.
I have a bad problem not talking. So hopefully you arent running away screaming, ripping hair out, etc.
It was nice meeting you though :)
Hopefully you can meet Stephen soon and we can hang out, etc :)
In other news, tested 129 this morning for BS's
Debating on making dinner tonight. Was going to make a Sheppards pie dish.
Or a tater tot, fiber filled, meat casserole with Stephen's favorite alfredo.
So many options. No motivation. Oh well!
I hope you all have a good day and that today goes by rather quickly. I'd love to go home and curl up in bed
so i can finish this book :)