Title: Makka (Scarlet)
Part: 2/3
Rating: Sanguine
Notes: Gratuitous angst, like the previous part. Surprise. I'd say more, but... that'd spoil my the fun. ^^
Disclaimers and SO MUCH THANKING are just about the same as the previous part. ^^
Makka (Scarlet) Part Two )
Comments 29
Liked the character dynamics. Liked the sex, clearly, liked Gakuto's unique brand of denial, liked what little glimpse we got into Oshitari's head; this chapter really interested me, because it's the sort of thing that can be looked at from the outside as something frivolous and totally unattached (like the members of the Hyotei regular team would have you know these two), but can also be seen as . . . more important, really.
*laugh* And, well... the smut mattered to them. Both of them. ^_^ Which is what's most important, in the end.
*grin* Thank you so much, hon! ^_^
You OshiGaku is so sweet, bitter and sensual. It makes me feel dizzy and sooo good. I am glad they get love from you and that you write for them. *snugs* I can't wait to read part 3.
And yes, you do way too much research! XDD
^^<--big dork
Thank you~! ^_^
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*grin* I've got SUCH a weakness for Kansai accents. I really, really do. *chuckle* They don't have it quite as much in Kanazawa, where I stay, but they still have a little, and it makes me wibbly. ^___^
*giggle* Thank you so much, hon! ^___^ Hope your finals go well!
You do realise you now have me BEGGING for the next part?
And damn, that's it, I'm never gonna be able to finish the OshiGaku in-the-beginning I had planned. It was something like this, a let's-have-a-one-night-stand thing... and you already wrote it so beautifully that there really isn't a point to doing mine. ^_^
Speechless my foot.
Therefore... UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!
And damn, that's it, I'm never gonna be able to finish the OshiGaku in-the-beginning I had planned.
*THWAPS YOU* Hey! *laugh* That's not fair! C'mon. *pleads* I never get to read any OshiGaku, and... and... pwease? *grin* There can never be too many OshiGaku one-night stands! *delighted*
*SNUG* Thank you, hon! ^_^
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