Title: Geshi (Solstice)
Rating: Lava
Pairing: ShishiTori, a touch of HiyoTori, too
Notes: Ootori thinks too much. And Shishido talks too much. But then, when stressed, I write spastic fic. ^^; Unbetaed, and unseen by anyone's eyes but mine. *hides*
zerotwofan, though I suppose this turned into a very bizarre and rather belated Mother's Day present
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Comments 33
Feel the love~ XD
*wink* Well, you'd get kicked to the curb... but then Ootori would make him feel horribly guilty for it. *grin*
Heee! *snug* Thanks, hon.
...dear God, your icon is making me laugh INSANELY. XD
This one made me cry, in a good way. Ironically, while you missed Mother's Day, you nailed my Shishido's birthday. Isn't that funny?
I think this is complete. I feel very satisfied (although my inner ToriHiyo fangirl is jealous) with the outcome. I loved the way you portrayed Hiyoshi. I can totally see him doing that (thanks in part to Hoshi and Rue). I also think it'll take him some time to find someone else, because getting over Ohtori can't possibly be easy.
I have so much love for this story. Just about as much as I have for its author. Happy Mother's Day, indeed. ^____^
You're right--it's complete, or at least as complete as it's getting. I do think it'll take poor Hiyoshi awhile to find someone else, poor guy; honestly, I have a very difficult time seeing him with any other guy but Ootori, and the thought of him being lonely in the end because he did the right thing... *flinch* *sniffle* I'd write it, but that's just too much ache and angst for poor Hiyoshi; he doesn't deserve that.
I've come to the conclusion that, perhaps, he cares too much and has just never known how to show it--especially after something like this, where showing that he cares means having to give up the very thing he cares for. ;_;
...okay, I'm done with the angsting. ^^; Luffle you so muchlies, mummy! ^^
Having a pretty song to listen to helped and made it even more beautiful..I do believe that Onitsuka Chihiro's 'Suna No Tate' has now been dubbed as my ToriShishi song. ^_^ I should look up the lyrics when I get a chance.
But yes. It was amazing, as usually. ♥
Angst, oh angst. *amused* In any case, I'm glad you thought it was in-character, and that the angst wasn't TOO bad--thank you, hon! ^^
Really angst makes the world go around sometimes. <33333
He and Mari would be cute together. Wonder if she's interested in attending Waseda, too...
*grin* I'm glad you like what Hiyo's done, though. *purrpurr* And it's a wistful ending for him, perhaps. He deserves better, but we'll see, neh?
Thank you, hon! ^^
Thank you, hon! ^^
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