Title: Ongaeshi (Favours) Characters: Oshitari, Mari Fandom: Prince of Tennis Rating: rather PG Disclaimer: Nope, nope, nope. For: aishuu, who thought that Oshitari might be a nicely objective observer. Well, we'll see
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Should have made Mari wear a skirt instead. XDD Just to see how Piyo-chan would react. >;DDD Loved this chapted as usual. Oshitari interacting with Mari is definitely very amusing to read.
And here is my promised HiyoMari fanart. Well... the 1st part anyway. I still need to get to inking/coloring the other one. :] Click on the thumbnail for my deviart link. :D
Oh. My. God. That's just... beautiful! I keep opening it and looking at it... then going back and looking at it again... your lines are so clean, and the way you conveyed their expressions with just a few strokes, and the changes in the way they were feeling... you make me glad I don't draw, because if I did, you'd make me totally insecure! *laugh*
I love the scenario you set up, too, and how you managed to tell a whole little story without a single speech bubble. *is really impressed by that* I can't believe that there could possibly be more--I mean, these must take forever to make! Thank you so much, dear! *snug*
(*giggle* And while I'm sure Oshitari would have made Mari wear a skirt, if he could have... well, the trick, methinks, is to get her into something she'll wear, and I doubt he wanted her in a knee-length skirt, right? *laugh*)
Should have made Mari wear a skirt instead. XDD Just to see how Piyo-chan would react. >;DDD Loved this chapted as usual. Oshitari interacting with Mari is definitely very amusing to read.
And here is my promised HiyoMari fanart. Well... the 1st part anyway. I still need to get to inking/coloring the other one. :]
Click on the thumbnail for my deviart link. :D
thx for sharing
I love the scenario you set up, too, and how you managed to tell a whole little story without a single speech bubble. *is really impressed by that* I can't believe that there could possibly be more--I mean, these must take forever to make! Thank you so much, dear! *snug*
(*giggle* And while I'm sure Oshitari would have made Mari wear a skirt, if he could have... well, the trick, methinks, is to get her into something she'll wear, and I doubt he wanted her in a knee-length skirt, right? *laugh*)
It might take me a while to finish the other picture because of the commissions I have lined up. But I promise that it will happen! :D
(He should get Gakuto to "adjust" her skirt again. >;DDD)
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