AllgothsdoX- Devon Bone
SinsOfThyPast315- Me
AllgothsdoX [1:19 AM]: hey sexy
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:19 AM]: hi devon
AllgothsdoX [1:19 AM]: whats up sexy
AllgothsdoX [1:20 AM]: hey
AllgothsdoX [1:20 AM]: would u ever bang me
AllgothsdoX [1:20 AM]: like if we were both high
AllgothsdoX [1:21 AM]: talk to me boo
AllgothsdoX [1:21 AM]: i need u
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:21 AM]: call me boo again and ill kill u
AllgothsdoX [1:21 AM]: ok sorry baby
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:21 AM]: ... okay what r u on? cuz i know your not sober
AllgothsdoX [1:22 AM]: om gyea i am i would never do drugs
AllgothsdoX [1:22 AM]: ight boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:22 AM]: uh huh... now that we've established that that is a lie.. what drugs are you on?
AllgothsdoX [1:22 AM]: well im not on n/e drigs but i wish i was on somthing
AllgothsdoX [1:23 AM]: i wish i was on u boo
AllgothsdoX [1:23 AM]: and if this is ambers dad i was jk
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:23 AM]: lol that was classic
AllgothsdoX [1:23 AM]: in know boo
AllgothsdoX [1:23 AM]: if u were a man i would punch u in the mouth
AllgothsdoX [1:24 AM]: jk i would make lovbe to uy boo
AllgothsdoX [1:24 AM]: love*
AllgothsdoX [1:24 AM]: and if n/e parens r watching i was just playing i ama good boy
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:24 AM]: are you sure your alright.. cuz your acting.. very not devon-like right now
AllgothsdoX [1:25 AM]: oh yea i am devon and i am ight boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:25 AM]: prove it
AllgothsdoX [1:27 AM]: u bought doug a thong and i wore it boo
AllgothsdoX [1:27 AM]: when me and him diked out
AllgothsdoX [1:27 AM]: jk i would never cheat on u boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:28 AM]: okay.. so this could be devon or darren.. oh well, this is funny
AllgothsdoX [1:28 AM]: brb i am getting food
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:28 AM]: okay..stoner
AllgothsdoX [1:28 AM]: lol no im not bvut daron is mad at u remember he wouldnt talk to u boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:28 AM]: if he was trying to get me back for something, yeah he would.
AllgothsdoX [1:29 AM]: nope not really boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:29 AM]: alrighty
AllgothsdoX [1:30 AM]: so boo what are u doing tommoro
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:30 AM]: hanging out with Kayla until noon and then going back to my grandma's for a while before i go home
AllgothsdoX [1:32 AM]: we all should have a 3 some before u leave kaylas boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:33 AM]: i thought you were going out with brittany?
AllgothsdoX [1:34 AM]: not tonight its just me u and kayla boo
AllgothsdoX [1:34 AM]: AND M AND U R TRUE LOVE BOO
AllgothsdoX [1:34 AM]: ME*
AllgothsdoX [1:35 AM]: so would u let me rail u ?
AllgothsdoX [1:35 AM]: we r a coulpe now arent we?
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:35 AM]: no.
AllgothsdoX [1:36 AM]: WHAT????
AllgothsdoX [1:36 AM]: R U JUST MAD B/C U R ON UR RAG BOO
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:37 AM]: no actually I hope this is someone just fucking around.. cuz if this is really happening, then im scared.
AllgothsdoX [1:37 AM]: no it is 4 real
AllgothsdoX [1:37 AM]: boo
AllgothsdoX [1:37 AM]: boo i need u
AllgothsdoX [1:37 AM]: dont say u dont like me too boo
AllgothsdoX [1:38 AM]: hey hey hey boo boo boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:38 AM]: this is really starting to scare me.
AllgothsdoX [1:38 AM]: why boo?
AllgothsdoX [1:38 AM]: is it b/c i have do do on my shoe shoe
AllgothsdoX [1:39 AM]: huh huh boo boo
AllgothsdoX [1:39 AM]: ?
AllgothsdoX [1:39 AM]: ?
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:39 AM]: seriously.. will you stop.. like snap out of it devon.. this is creepy and you've called me boo over 50 times already.
AllgothsdoX [1:40 AM]: wtf boo u act like u never banged or something wtf boo i need u i love ur shoe it smells like doo doo and i smell it and it reminds me of u boo
AllgothsdoX [1:41 AM]: i think u have gone coo coo
AllgothsdoX [1:41 AM]: boo
AllgothsdoX [1:41 AM]: boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:41 AM]: are you done now?
AllgothsdoX [1:42 AM]: i am done when we make mad cow butt sex tell the brake of dawn boo and u say u still love me too boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:43 AM]: im gonna ask you about this conversation tomorrow.. and if you remeber it i'll be surprised
AllgothsdoX [1:43 AM]: oh i will boo
AllgothsdoX [1:43 AM]: and so will u boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:44 AM]: no shit i'll remeber this tomorrow.. this is some funny stuff
AllgothsdoX [1:44 AM]: no boo i need u its not funny its the fo shizzle truth boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:44 AM]: why in the hell do you keep calling me "boo"!?!?!?!
AllgothsdoX [1:45 AM]: b/c u r my boo and i love u like i love my great auntie sue so how bout u boo?
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:45 AM]: wtf!?
AllgothsdoX [1:46 AM]: oh u need me boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:46 AM]: oh do i?
AllgothsdoX [1:46 AM]: oh hellz yea boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:46 AM]: what if I dont?
AllgothsdoX [1:47 AM]: oh but u do
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:47 AM]: how do you know
AllgothsdoX [1:47 AM]: oh b/c u wouldnt be on my nuts like flys on shit if u didnt , what u dont rember last night
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:48 AM]: i was sitting at home watching movies with my mom last night.. hah sorry, but this is over, just stop talking or something.. I cannot take anymore of this "boo" stuff, nor this "were made for each other stuff"
AllgothsdoX [1:49 AM]: oh so what we had is just over boo i thought u knkew i love ur shoe
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:49 AM]: never take up the career of a rap artist
AllgothsdoX [1:50 AM]: ok but i gtg boo
AllgothsdoX [1:51 AM]: i love u too boo
AllgothsdoX [1:51 AM]: i wiill im u too boo
AllgothsdoX [1:51 AM]: later
AllgothsdoX [1:51 AM]: boo
SinsOfThyPast315 [1:51 AM]: bye
AllgothsdoX signed off at 1:51 AM
That was seriously the most creepiest conversation ever!