An Urgent Message

Oct 25, 2008 17:18

Hello Everyone:

I just wanted to take a minute to send everyone a reminder that Tuesday, November 4th is a very important day for Californians. It is the day when we will have the opportunity to show the rest of the country that, above all else, we value human rights and freedom!

I'm sure by now you've all heard about Prop 8. You've seen the divisive commercials and you've seen the (poorly designed) signs telling you to vote yes on this legislative abortion, so I'm writing to urge you to vote NO on this proposition.
In case you're totally clueless, this prop is the Marriage Ban. Back in May, the California Supreme Court overturned a previous statute and as of June 17th, 2008 gay and lesbian couples were allowed the fundamental right to marry. But now, we're faced with a very important decision because, next month you'll have the opportunity to vote whether or not California will continue to allow homosexual couples to marry.

If this prop passes, the California Constitution will be edited so that it eliminates the right of same-sex couples to marry and provides that only marriage between a man and a woman will be valid in our state.

This is wrong. Its morally wrong. It is a blatant revocation of human rights and we, as Americans, should not stand for it! This is not a country where we take away people's rights. If you truly believe that we were endowed by our creator with the unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, then we cannot, we must not, allow this proposition to pass.

Think about it. Think about your wedding day, or a wedding you attended. Remember how it felt? Think about waking up next to your spouse every morning. Think about turning to a friend and having the opportunity to say "I'd like you to meet my wife". Think about how you felt when you got to write Mrs. next to your name for the first time. When you cast your vote on November 4th, I want you to think about those feelings. Remember how happy you were, how full of love?

Now, think about denying someone that same happiness. Think about how you'd feel to look someone in the eyes and say "Sorry, I don't consider you my equal and I don't think you deserve the same rights I have." Because if you vote yes, that's exactly what you'd do. If you vote yes, you'd be looking me, your friends, your other family members in the eyes and saying that deep down, you really feel that all men (and women) were not created equal. If you vote yes, you'd be telling the whole world that you don't care about our rights to freedom and liberty. And that, my friends, is truly un-American.

I urge you to vote No on Prop 8. At some point, a homosexual friend or family member will come to you and say that they want to get married. Will you be able to face that person if you vote yes?

This is not about being a Republican or Democrat. Its not about religion and its not about getting rid of "traditional" marriage. Its about being an American and standing up for what's right for EVERYONE. Its about living in a country that does not deny its people their rights or freedom to choose how they live their lives.

Please, vote NO on Prop 8.

Tell your friends and family. Forward this email to everyone you know. Donate to the campaign. Pick up a yard sign or a bumper sticker at your local campaign headquarters. Do whatever you can to make sure that this proposition does not pass. Every vote counts. Every voice is heard.

Vote No.

Thank you.

Justin Garcidiaz
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