Who:Aerith and Yuffie
When:Just now
Summary:Yuffie and Aeris get acquainted.....then yuffie brings up her first experience with alcohol
Warnings: Some talk of pedophilia, as yuffie is only 17
SuicideKillerDA: Um......Aerith?
SuicideKillerDA: (tis yuffie)
SuicideKillerDA: Is...that really you?
Cetra Lily: Yuffie! Yes, yes it is! ^^
Cetra Lily: Oh my goodness, how have you been!?
SuicideKillerDA: Good! There's lots of BAD people to steal from here, and Tifa's here, too!
SuicideKillerDA: But.......so is he.
Cetra Lily: You're still stealing? You might get in trouble. ^^; And yes, I noticed Tifa was here. And "he"... by "he" you mean..?
SuicideKillerDA: ......you know, tall, wears a long coat, big sword.....THAT him.
SuicideKillerDA: I don't talk to him :[
SuicideKillerDA: He's evil.
Cetra Lily: I think "misguided" is a better word for it..
SuicideKillerDA: ......yeah, he seems a little nicer now.
SuicideKillerDA: No "reunions" or stabbing my friends.
SuicideKillerDA: oh, and Vincent's here, too!
Cetra Lily: Well, that's good to hear.
Cetra Lily: He is?
Cetra Lily: I wouldn't have expected him to be here.
SuicideKillerDA: Yeah! He's a total closet case, though, never comes out of his room!
Cetra Lily: Well, what else can you really do in a big mansion by yourself? And not leaving his room is to be expected. He really is such a gloomy person.
SuicideKillerDA: Yeah, i know.....so sad:[. I met some cool people here who are really shiny, too!
Cetra Lily: Oh? Like who? And maybe you could introduce us? I really haven't met anyone, yet, other than Cassandra, my suitemate.
SuicideKillerDA: Um, this Rikku girl! Me and her get along really well!
Cetra Lily: Oh?
SuicideKillerDA: And this guy named Karsh! Oh, and you HAVE to meet Jenet!
SuicideKillerDA: Rikku's some kinda person called an al-bhed, from a desert!
Cetra Lily: Wow. From a desert?
SuicideKillerDA: Yeah! Like Gold Saucer, but without games.
SuicideKillerDA: Oh, and shinra and co. are here, too >.>
Cetra Lily: Really?
SuicideKillerDA: yeah, they do some shady stuff.
SuicideKillerDA: like, them and this testament guy cloned sephiroth and stuff
Cetra Lily: Oh, dear..
SuicideKillerDA: yeah, big battle i was still in Wutai for, Zack destroyed that thing, though
Cetra Lily: Zack did, hm?
SuicideKillerDA: Yeah, i heard bout it from one of my teachers.
Cetra Lily: Ah...
SuicideKillerDA: I think it was our cheerleading teacher
SuicideKillerDA: Zack's our security guard and stuff
SuicideKillerDA: but he can'r catch me!:]
Cetra Lily: Teehee. He's suited for it, though.
SuicideKillerDA: yeah. All big and buff and having that huge sword and stuff.
SuicideKillerDA: oh, speaking of which, how DID you get back from being..um....you know.
Cetra Lily: You know, I'm not really sure. ^^; I think the Planet just got fed up with me and spat me right out. I woke up on the bank...
SuicideKillerDA: oh, i guess that's kinda nice of the planet :D.
SuicideKillerDA: Like, i wanna ask sephiroth how HE's still here, but i don't wanna get near him
Cetra Lily: So long as he's not being upset about his past, I'm sure he's okay. Well, maybe a little mean, but better than we knew him, at least.
SuicideKillerDA: Yeah....not talking bout his "mother" and stuff
Cetra Lily: She really wasn't very much of a mother.
SuicideKillerDA: Nah, not how she was treating him.
SuicideKillerDA: Even worse than my dad
Cetra Lily: Oh, your dad's not that bad, Yuffie.
SuicideKillerDA: ehhh...you hang around him when he's drunk.
Cetra Lily: ^^; I think I'll pass.
SuicideKillerDA: oh, speaking of which, i had my first taste of alcohol at a party
Cetra Lily: Oh? You didn't drink too much, I hope.
SuicideKillerDA: Um, i kinda woke up with some guy........:[
Cetra Lily: ....Yuffie...
SuicideKillerDA: i didn't drink on purpose! someone spiked the punch!
Cetra Lily: I certainly hope nothing TOO bad happened.
SuicideKillerDA: eh.........
SuicideKillerDA: yeah.\
Cetra Lily: ...
Cetra Lily: Oh dear.
SuicideKillerDA: ....yeah
SuicideKillerDA: and he tried to blame it on me......
Cetra Lily: Who was it?
SuicideKillerDA: this guy named karsh, he's a dirty old guy
Cetra Lily: "Dirty old guy"?
SuicideKillerDA: he's a perv! He'll have sex with any girll he sees!
SuicideKillerDA: i didn't know what was going on! I was passed out!
Cetra Lily: ....Sounds like he needs to be spoken to.
SuicideKillerDA: ...um, we kinda talked, and he was being mean, so i stole his axe. we haven't talked since
Cetra Lily: Still.
SuicideKillerDA: um, why? Should he be in trouble?
Cetra Lily: I should think so!
SuicideKillerDA: oh! um, well, shouldn't i have taken care of it a month ago? isn't it a little late?
Cetra Lily: Maybe.
SuicideKillerDA: oh.
SuicideKillerDA: so........what do i do?
Cetra Lily: Well.. Hm. Did you talk to him about what he did?
SuicideKillerDA: yeah, he said "you crushed my dick" cause i'm really small or something
Cetra Lily: ...
SuicideKillerDA: that's all he said, and i was kinda confused
SuicideKillerDA: sop...i kinda left him alone after that
Cetra Lily: ...oh dear.
SuicideKillerDA: what's wrong?
Cetra Lily: Nothing. He just doesn't seem like a very good person to talk to.
Cetra Lily: Very rude...
SuicideKillerDA: Yeah, tell me about it >.>. i just wanted to know what he did to me
Cetra Lily: From the way it sounds, he took advantage of you while you were out. What else, I don't know.
SuicideKillerDA: isn't that...illegal?
Cetra Lily: Yes.
SuicideKillerDA: so...um......what do i do?
Cetra Lily: I'd say go to the clinic to get checked in case anything happened...
Cetra Lily: And then confront him again. I'll go with you, if you want.
SuicideKillerDA: oh, um, okay.......i think i'll do that tomorrow.
SuicideKillerDA: i didn't know it was illegalX_X
Cetra Lily: Well, if he did what I'm assuming he did.. How old are you?
SuicideKillerDA: 1'm 17, going on 18.
Cetra Lily: Then you're underage, so yes, it is illegal. Unless the rules are different, here. I'm not familiar with them, yet...
SuicideKillerDA: Oh! um.....wow.