I finally wrote something!
And then do it again, Teen Wolf, Derek/Kate, Derek/Stiles. For a prompt by andthedamned on Tumblr, "Derek/Stiles, dark!fic." I am dreadful at dark writing, so it's just sort of vaguely sad and melodramatic (in a Derek sort of way).
There are three comments on it; I have no idea how to respond to one of them. It begins, "So....this was a Sterek fic.....but NOT a Sterek fic?" Which-- yes? I suppose? That's why Kate/Derek wasn't listed as a background pairing? I suspect I should have been a bit more direct in what I was getting at.
I also wrote something
off-the-cuff on Tumblr, which was mostly just an excuse to write Derek desiring cuddles. Warning for something like slavery (werewolves kept as pets) in the context of an alternate universe (Stiles has been captured by a djinn and made to think he lives in that world). I am planning on expanding it at some point.
At present, I am writing a Teen Wolf bigbang. The rough draft is due today. I have roughly 15K, which is the word requirement, with about 5K more to write. Luckily we're allowed to submit unfinished drafts, as long as they're over 10K or 80%. I'm worried about sending it in, since a) it's a hot mess, b) I am losing faith in the whole damned thing since there's an OFC and it's all paced weirdly and goddamn it, and c) it's unfinished. But oh well! Oh well, I say! Hopefully the artist who picks it up will be a forgiving sort.
I'm also writing a short story about Sidney Crosby's draft day (with bonus blowjob, heyo). It's going all right, although I'm lost in a morass of articles and primers, trying to get the feel of it and the relationship between the two primary characters right. I really like the other guy, Jack Johnson-- he's a big earnest galoot, and it's fun to try to write someone like that. (He gets compared to and compares himself to Captain America, and it's not far off. Big earnest galoot! "Proud to be an American" autoplays on his blog! I really wish I were kidding!)
Why is my hobby writing when both of my day jobs are writing? WHO MADE THIS DECISION?