Some time ago, my little halfling, Mungo the warlock, blacked out for a few days, on account of having been poisoned by parties then unknown to him. This week, we had an intense and fraught scene where one of the PCs, Suspa the rogue, confessed to being the poisoner; she was killing him to get an in with an evil cult, but then had a crisis of conscience. The poison was addictive and it was the withdrawal that did me in; it would have killed me outright if she hadn't stopped. She offered up her knife and her neck in contrition.
The whole thing caught me totally by surprise. The player and the DM had been scheming over this for a couple of months.
... Oh. No, no there is not.
Did you never play much D&D! Oh my goodness. My Thursday night internet game needs a warrior type, you know.... ;)
One day I do hope to play D&D. I'm just afraid I'll have flashbacks to online RPing. ::obfuscates::
The whole thing caught me totally by surprise. The player and the DM had been scheming over this for a couple of months.
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