Absolutely ridiculous (I mean me).

May 20, 2009 07:33

The burgeoning Star Trek fandom should make me wriggle around on the floor with joy. To a certain degree, it does. Bring me your fic! I will pay you handsomely in fawning feedback!

For once, however, I am the old kid on the block, looking at the influx of newcomers with a mingled sense of joy and horror. I have been into STNG since I was a small creature, watching every episode with my Trekkie mother. I have been into TOS since college; I watched every episode of DS9, and even though I mostly pantsed out on Voyager, I still kept up with recaps. More importantly, I have seen every Trek movie.

For the record: Trek movies are nearly always good. This one was definitely in my top three, sure, but Trek movies are good. They feature a blend of my two favorite movie genres -- explosions and kissing -- as well as lots of crappy science, manpain, and wacky hijinks. This movie was not a wild exception in the history of Trek movies. WHERE HAVE YOU PEOPLE BEEN.

The problem with this reaction is that it makes me feel like a cranky old lady. There I am, standing on my lawn in my Starfleet uniform, going "Are you going to watch any old episodes of TOS before you start writing fic? Have you ever been to Shore Leave? Have you seen the episode of STNG* where Wesley Crusher has to decide who to save in a Starfleet test simulation, which the movie clearly plagiarized? Where were you when people were calling me a loser? HEY! YOU WERE ONE OF THE ONES THAT CALLED ME A LOSER!" while everyone smiles and waves and mutters Don't provoke her, Walter.

(I'll have you know that I'm perfectly aware that my communicator is on my crotch. It's a style choice. Kirk would approve!)

* - Link to the first part of the full episode (1x18) on youtube.

raving lunatic, picard pull down your shirt

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