Sinpozium is back in 2020!
Dates: Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April 2020 (Saturday is Anzac Day but not a long weekend in Australia).
Times: 9:30am to 5pm (with dinner afterwards for those interested)
Venue: Hyde Room, Level 5,
Castlereagh Boutique Hotel.
This is a NEW venue, close to Town Hall station. The Castlereagh Boutique Hotel and the function room are wheelchair accessible. There are a few steps to lobby but they have a portable ramp.
Cost: $50 for the weekend.
2020 Registration Form This includes direct deposit payment information (please contact us if you wish to pay another way, or are an international attendee).
Like previous events, we hope it’ll be a great weekend of fannish fun and friends, with games, fandom pimps, discussions, vid watching and more. We will be starting to ask for volunteers/content suggestions in a separate post soon, along with posts for people looking for roommates, organising dinner on the Saturday night and a getting-to-know-each-other survey.
More information about the venue and about Sinpozium in general is available
here. Please ask us if you’ve got any questions at all, either in the comments here (anon comments are welcome) or via sinpozium(at)
Registration cost is $50 for the weekend. Registration includes the hire of the venue and equipment, but not food or accommodation. We aim to keep costs low and flexibility high. Payment is required up-front, your registration will not be confirmed until we have received payment, and attendance numbers are limited to 35 people only. Full refunds will be available until 10th of April. International attendees, please contact us at sinpozium(at) to arrange payment.
We'll tweet when there's an announcement on @sinpozium, which will x-post to tumblr. Please feel free to follow one or more of these accounts as well as our
Dreamwidth community.
Please pimp Sinpozium to fannish friends who may be interested. We can't wait to see everyone in April!
Erilyn and Alasen