Only two weeks until Sinpozium! And there are some important things to be done! Including
register, if you haven't already,
volunteer/suggest content even if you have already, and a key survey here.
Alasen and I really do appreciate people filling this out. Not only does it help people get to know each other before meeting (or meeting again), it helps us a lot for planning purposes, in terms of knowing popular fandoms and what people are familiar with etc. Feel free to skip points that aren't applicable or anything you don't want to answer, of course.
2011 survey,
2012 survey,
2013 survey and
2014 survey if you want to check your previous answers (or c&p them, not that the we would ever do that, of course not).
Please reply in the comments to this post.
Preferred name/handle: what do you want people to call you?
Alternate usernames: if you have multiple journals/pseuds/handles
Location: Feel free to skip this or be vague, as you prefer.
Current main fandom(s): what fandom(s) are you actively involved in? Whether you determine that by what you're reading more fic in, what are you watching/playing/reading, or what are you most attached to currently?
Other signficant fandom(s): what are your past fandoms (whether you've broken up with them, drifted away, or just not spending as much time on) or otherwise significant fandoms for you?
What was your first fandom?: How did you get sucked into this crazy world?
Fanworks/fan activities: do you read, write, create art, vid, watch vids, podfic, listen to podfic, do recs, volunteer in fannish organisations, participate in meta/analysis discussions, moderate communities, role-play or anything else?
Tell us stuff about yourself: Anything! Including if you have questions about Sinpozium, including accommodation/looking for roommates info etc.
Optional pre-coded headings for your reply:
Preferred name/handle:
Alternate usernames:
Current main fandom(s) :
Other significant fandom(s) :
What was your first fandom? :
Fanworks/fan activities:
Tell us anything about yourself: