Mar 25, 2004 20:59
what the fuck boys need to chill the fuck out. you try to hard to prey on the girl on the rebound and dont know when to fucking stop. i dont want to be hearing this shit from guys right now and not anyone inparticular perse but the whole of you. at least give me more than 5 fucking days to get over what the hell just happened before you start witht his shit. so in case anyones been curious as to why ive been such a pisshead the lat couple of days thats why. people that i thought would have a little more class and peopole that i was hoping meant it when the said they wouldnt do this to me ... yall just need to fucking stop. im not over it. im not GOING to be over this for a while. i dont want you to be the one to help me get over it. i dont want to have to get over it at all but that i know i have to do. as much as all you assholes sit there and tell me you understand what im going thru you really fucking dont. and i know you dont because ive known you long enough to see the kind of relationships you have or have not been in and ive seen how you treat girls and ive seen how youve played them or pissed on them or "loved them" and NONE OF YOU have gone thru this. not ONE of you. and im fucking TIRED of it. some of you douches did this to me when we just took a break for a week and i wasnt even fucking single yet. and now its only 5 days after me and my boyfriend break up ... the boy ive been head over heels in love with for hte last year and ahalf and all of a sudden were "not IN love" any more? no fights no bullshit just one of the best and most unique relationshipos ive ever been in/witnessed? and im supposed to be HAPPY that you want to hook up with me or HAPPY that you want to be there for me or HAPPY that you never got over me or HAPPY that someone is there for me that way even tho he isnt anymore? its BULLSHIT. you tell ME how and when im supposed to get over this and deal with this. you tell ME to calm the fuck down when i get pissed of that youre treating me with such lack of respect right now. just fucking tell me what to do bc youre all making it quite clear that i dont know how to handle this on my own. last time i checked im being a THOUSAND times more mature and understanding about all this than the majority of you would EVER act in this sort of perdicament and if youre gonna sit there and compliment me on how im dealing with it fucking learn from it and grow the hell up too bc im tired of dealing with your adolescent shit. i dont want a hook up i dont want a boyfriend i dont want random shit or whatever else you poeople are trying to offer to me. i want a friend to help me get thru this without lame pickup lines and cheesy settings. i dont think thats too much to ask and if it is then fuck you. youre disrespectful, inappropriate and i dont appreciate it. so read this with care and leave me the fuck alone if you dont know how to do anything other than try and seduce girls that know your tricks and your ways and have been too weak to resist them in the past. well im different now and its too bad you arent.
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh to infinity. fuck off.