For the current challenge at
picspammy. These are my top five Dark Angel episodes. Some of them just have certian moments, and some of them are true to my nature and way to frickin' long. There are quotes from each epsiode along with dubious amounts of Jensen Ackles. Be still my beating heart. I wanted to spam something that no one else was going to, but when how little a chance there was to that, I decided to spam a show I hadn't seen yet. So (amungst the oodles of Skins, Lost and Movies top fives) I give you Dark Angel. A show where girls kick ass, the cannon couple can't touch and the Freak World began.
Runners Up.
Gill Girl: Blowfish Tavern
Because while this episode had oodles of Max/Alec, it also had smoopy Logan/Max undertones. The Strip Club scene is the highlight of this episode. We get to see Max 'dance' and Normal get's danced on. Also? Sketchy in orange Aviators is hot.
Fuhgeddaboudit: Group Hug!
I hated Mia into little bits and pieces, however, she brought the lolz. Confused Max, Confused Alec, semi-homophobic male hugging. Good deal.
MEOW: Max Needs a Personal Day
This episode, while not the best ever last episode we ever see of Max in heat, had it's perks. This would be my number one. This scene made my love for Normal skyrocket. This scene makes him look damn fine.
Number 5. 1x17
Pollo Loco
Ben: Don’t leave me here. Don’t let them take me.
Max: Ben, I can’t carry you. We’ll both get caught.
Ben: I know.
Max: Ben, I can’t.
Ben: Please. You know what they’ll do to me. They’ll put me down there with them...the Nomlies. Please.
Max: Tell me about the Good Place.
Ben: Where no one ever gets punished.
Max: And no one gets yelled at.
Ben: And nobody disappears. And when you wake up in the morning, you can stay in bed as long as y-
:coughs: you'll notice how the longest spam in this post is number 5. Reason? It's so fucking pretty. Also? loads of flashbacks, and this was an important episode. One more thing, the quote should make you cry. (I needed Deck and Renfro in at least one of my choices, so here they are...a bit out of place, but still.) This episode was gorgeous, and it went from 4 to 3 to a runner up to number five because despite how much I love every other episode in this spam, this one will always be a headstone for the series; we see a different side of Max with a sibling other than Zach (which is always awkward and squicky for me to watch) or Tinga or another one of her sisters. This is Ben, and she never tells Logan about what she did to Ben or what he looked like (because I think Logan would not have reacted well to Alec if he knew). We also see the beginnings of doubt in Logan, his doubt for Max.
Number 4. 2x17
Hello, Goodbye
Alec: So, you got any deep thoughts you want to share? Any, uh, profound realizations about life?
Max: Yeah. Love sucks.
First is first is Hello, Goodbye. Why, Hello, Goodbye? It breaks you. You learn that Alec's not a sociopath, that Max really does care about him (just a little, and it's from this point forward that they're somehow friendlier to each other), and that Logan is a jealous, little man. But a hilarious drunk.
I shall now quote a line from one of my favorite Max/Alec writer
There was a reason why Max and Logan had been 'not like that' for so long. There was a reason why Alec had waited until Rachel was in a coma to tell her he loved her. Max and Alec were relationship retarded.
Number 3. 2.18
Dawg Day Afternoon
Not alive? Not human? Who are you to sit in judgment, Mr. Caldwell? Have you seen that tape? Did you see the look in his eyes? He was scared, cornered. And despite what people like you have been saying about them, transgenics aren’t that different from you and me. They do feel, they do hurt, they are alive. They could tell you what it’s like to be afraid, alone in a hostile world. And it might be more convenient to pretend otherwise, but in the end, who does that say more about...them, or us? This has been a streaming freedom video bulletin. Peace. Out.
Alec's face when he hands the phone to Max. Oh the face. Also, I don't have the hack in the images above, but Logan's hacks are always special, so I had to put it in. We also have the last appearance of Annie, and White on the verge being an evil jackass as per usual. The end makes you break. It's Alec and Max and Joshua as a family, because they really are all they have. And if you look at Max and Alec's faces they are both pissed.
Number 2. 2x05
Joshua: Get my swerve on. Tricks and treats.
Dieter: Speak
Katarina: Sally's on the line. His body's gone AWOL again, and we're putting together a search party.
Dieter: Sorry. Me and Chad are going to a Halloween party.
Sally: Chad? Who the hell is Chad?
Dieter: My life partner. And watch your language.
Katarina: We've been out of Manticore for three months and you've already got a life partner?
Rafer: So Joshua,'re, what, a Wookiee? A Planet of the Apes guy?
Joshua: Uh-uh. Special. First.
Rafer: First what?
Max: First prize. He...won first prize for his school. He' exchange student. You know, English as second language.
Rafer: Way to go. Where you from?
Joshua: Father.
Rafer: I always wanted to visit Germany.
Dieter to Rafer: You remind me of my friend Chad.
Sketchy: Alpha leader. Come in, alpha leader.
Normal: Roger. This is alpha leader. Over.
Sketchy: This isn't Roger. This is Sketchy.
Normal: "Roger" is an acknowledgement in the affirmative, not some person's name, moron. And
how many times have I told you? Say "over." Over.
Sketchy: Acknowledged. Over over.
Normal: No, not "over over." "Over." Over.
Sketchy: Well, that's what I just said. "Over over."
Normal: Oh, God, never mind. What do you got for me? Over.
Sketchy: The headless mutant trangenic male caucasian subject just left, armed with a sniper rifle. The others went after him. Over over.
Normal: Roger. Guess we know what was in that package he was after. All right, this is alpha leader clear.
Sketchy: Now you forgot to say "over over." Over over.
Logan: Bingo.
Max: You found something?
Logan: No, I got bingo.
McCallister: Oh, thank you, my children, for putting a stop to this heathen plan.
Logan: Don't thank her, Your Godliness.
Asha: Thank us. We're the ones that saved you.
Max: Now just hold the phone.
Logan: I'm Eyes Only.
Asha: I'm Supreme Commandant of S1W.
McCallister: Saints preserve us.
Logan: When you have a moment, Your Cleanliness, would you marry us?
McCallister: It would be a privilege, my son
Original Cindy: But can I ask you one question? Where are your clothes?
Fun thing about this episode, it seems fine in the beginning, but around the time Logan starts playing bingo on his computer you start to get this feeling that this is all kinds of wrong. This episode gives me so much joy. Original Cindy is Rick James bitch. Awkward Max is the best kind of Max. Rafer is a complete idiot. And all the people in Max's dreamland rock hard. The closer to the end of the dream we get the more ridiculous the dialog gets, which I love.
Number One. 2x20
Love Among the Runes
Sketchy: Hey, what'd you just do?
Original Cindy: What do you mean?
Sketchy: I saw you go into Normal's office. There are more transgenics, huh? And you're trying to protect them.
Original Cindy: You're trippin'.
Sketchy: Why'd you take Max and Alec's files?
Original Cindy: Why do you think?
Can words describe this episode? This originally wasn't even on my list, but then I remembered the look on Alec's face when Biggs was murdered and how he and Joshua took care of it. I intended to have this episode as a runner up, but as I went looking through my screencaps, I remembered the hardcore, semi-pornographic Ames and Max scene. We also get Max and Alec acting like real leaders of the Freak World. You can see how comfortable they are with each other, even when Max drops the bombshell of the lie she told about him n' her to get Logan to move on, Alec ends up sticking with her. We also get that bad ass scene with the motorcycles (which I can never find good caps for, hence it's absence) and Sketchy finally finds out about Max and Alec being transgenic.