Oct 20, 2003 19:48
Hey y'all :)
Wish I had enough time to make a long entry, well, sort of
Dont know if Caitlin's got my email or not, guess if she doesnt reply I never will.
But thats the answer in itself - if she doesnt reply doesnt that mean she's got the message about not being friends?
I had to cut the ties to that friendship. Sure, it was one of the best friendships I've ever had, but I had to. It was old... it was dying.
Well yeah had a good day today, fuck I love my girls.
Yes thats about all I have time for, Adrian's staying with us and is in the spare bedroom so I'll not be online much, the computer is now using the main line for the internet so technically I'm notallowed any more than 20 minutes online at a time
Right, well, have a good one :)