insolence and karma

Dec 12, 2008 22:09

my insolence and failure to keep off the constant cycle of;
working a mundane job to pay for a party lifestyle to help me forget the mundane job (thank god the band have gigs soon - id go insane)

getting ill at party - being ill 40 hours a week in mundanoland (also known as lamoland not to be confused with disneyland paris (no score bore).

went and exchanged my black (drug labbeled) stupid dumb metal guitar for a soulful 1970s sg copy with added bigsby and rust for good measure.

tried to call up my ex drummer and musical compadre r but to no avail as yet (we hope to get the acoustic show on the road soon (if sufficient calls are returned!)

hate to sound so down in the dumps but i hate being in late on fridays it makes me feel like a lobster in the tank of restaraunt - too ill equipped to escape my situation in current state (aka cold and flu)

what i need is an upper i have a rec day next week on which i hope to be smashed to the gills and punched to the soul in pure unadultered (or alduterated - whichever feels better first) fun fun fun in my hometowns

well i gotta go now -i have a shot of jd witrh my name on it and it's not gonna wait all evening for me.

much lov to you

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