Jan 02, 2007 04:14
to all who will listen and understand what I am saying .....We as a group have issuses and drama constantly flowing around us ....and gossip....I pay no attention to any of this,,,it is not important to me whos slept with who or who kisses who for whatever reasons.....but when it comes to our performances and appearing at the naro,cinema cafe or any other venue we must put all personal BULLSHIT!!!!!!! aside.....we are actors,thereforewe need to be professional and do the shows.....and not say I am not playing with this person,or with that person......personal issues have no place once we walk into the venue......the show must go on....and the audience dosent give a flying fuck if after the show we tear each other apart....they paid their money to see us, they expect to have a good time,.....and rightly deserve that.....without the audience there would be no show!!!
The main reason I dont get involed in gossip or drama...is that I live in a glass house and I know better than to throw rocks,I am in no position to judge anyone!!!!!
I love each and everyone of you warts and all....to me you all are family.....a rather dysfunctional family ,but a family none the less....I realize that in every group of friends there is in fighting and hurt feelings,I can except that.....my life has been full of misfortune and problems as of late,but I walk into the shows and give it my all......I have performed after I was robbed ,I performed when leanna and I were arguing and bickering....I have performed in great pain.I have even performed at the cafe show,while in the midst of a emotional meltdown,,,,those who were at that show will remeber.....but as soon as the music started the game face went on....and I did my job...all becasue I love the show and must remain professional, about my acting.......
No one ever claimed acting was easy.....it is a lot of hard work and time spent mastering the roles....we all suffer for our art in one way or another.....so can we please seperate personal difference, and the show.......tear each others heads off after the show,but when the movie starts put on your big girl panties and suck it up and do your job.......
I know I will be hated for this letter......but I have my big girl panties on .....DO YOU?