Fun with Homework

Dec 01, 2010 07:25

Originally uploaded by sinndar.

I have an assignment for my next business class to create a brochure for my future business. I'm really excited about this one! I studied commercial art for two years in high school and visual communication for one year in college. Although I did not end up doing anything with it, it is still something I enjoy.

I've been playing with a photo I took a few years ago with the Nikon, and editing it with Picnik to create a logo. My oldest bff kind of inspired the idea... I'm thinking of using "Laughing Flower" somehow in my business name, because that's what she calls me. Although I can always just go with Tracy Blah Blah, LMT. I think I'm going to be practicing as a "Sole Proprietor" so I don't have to worry about incorporating or anything.

Anyway, just wanted to share, maybe get some feedback. I don't even know what I'm going to do exactly when I get my license. But this assignment is a lot more fun for me than writing out my One-Year and Five-Year Purpose, Priorities, and Goals. That was excruciating!!

Tomorrow I'm going to attend the Austin BLEND Group networking lunch. BLEND stands for Bodyworkers, Lightworkers, Energyworkers Networking and Development... "The whole purpose of this networking lunch is to bring business professionals such as business coaches, marketing experts, social media, and financial advisors to meet with the holistic practitioners to give them assistance, information, support, and ideas on how to grow a successful and marketable practice."

So, moving right along! And getting there, slowly... :)

massage, work, flickr addict, artwork, reiki, school

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