Aug 16, 2010 00:17
I've been eating super healthy this week and it feels so good! <- (Restored from saved draft)
Let's start over, shall we?
I'm in Dallas this weekend and it feels so good! I am not eating super healthy and I don't give a shit. But that's not really true, because my pants are tight and I'm not happy about that. But I am on vacation, and I have enjoyed every bite. :)
Life is good.
My daughter is the most amazing person, and I am in awe of everything she says and does. We get on each other's nerves at times, of course, but for the most part our relationship has blossomed into something really comfortable and beautiful. I'd like to say it always was, but the divorce was rough on both of us. It's nice that things are settling down now. We had a great summer. Next week she starts 2nd grade. I am more proud of her than I can say.
My boyfriend is the best boyfriend ever. Everything is easy with him. Not that we haven't both been going through our fair share of ups and downs - but nothing to do with "us" and I am so glad he is in my life. I keep him grounded and he keeps me in the clouds. :)
I've got a lot on my plate the next couple of weeks... actually I feel as if I am juggling plates. I'll be happy when they all land, even if some of them fall. I've lived long enough to know I can pick up the pieces. I have a real good feeling though somehow it's all gonna work out and things will be not just alright, but fan-fucking-tabulous.
Gonna go join my sleeping family now... just needed a little me time, and it's good to get this stuff down on computer once in a while.
I miss every single one of you reading this!!! *mwah*