Jul 24, 2009 15:01
My girl came home from Ireland last night, definitely a little bigger, and way tired, but we had a good evening together. She's going out to Shiner with Fin today. They're picking up the parrot, and she's gonna spend the weekend there, bonding with her bird that she has been wanting for the last several months now. Her and the girl kitty hit it off immediately too. I had a very peaceful moment last night when she fell asleep on the couch, with Ruby asleep at her heels, and Tobias purring on my lap. It felt so good to have all of my babies together. :)
I went downtown today and had lunch with the hot attorney, which didn't suck at all. I like him more and more and I want to see him again SOON. Maybe this weekend, he asked me to call him. :))
I ate too much. I am soooo sleepy. 5:00 can't come soon enough. After work I'm meeting some of the girls at a pub near my place.
Tomorrow morning I'm planning to meet an in-from-out-of-town friend for brunch.
Tomorrow night is Sybille's 40th celebration, also downtown, which promises to be fabulous.
So things are going great, I'm loving this crazy life! Have a good weekend, y'all!!!
my girl,