So Much Going On Lately

Mar 05, 2008 13:48

I feel like a month's worth of stuff has happened in the last 5 days since I updated. Where to begin... I guess I'll go backwards.

Got into town late last night, so Fin and I met for lunch today, and got caught up on things. It was nice. He's been working on our taxes and it looks like we'll both get a pretty decent refund this year.

Last night my mother and I went to see the Pat Metheny Trio at the Paramount and it was a really great show. I've been a big fan of his for years, but I've never seen him live. It was just him, about 5 guitars, an awesome bass player, and the most amazing drummer I have ever seen - Antonio Sanchez. Omg. *blown away*

Yesterday I was lucky enough to have lunch with mattg and shadoh. It's been a few years since I've seen either of them in person, so that was really great.

Then I drove back to Austin and met up with sistrmoon for one last hoorah! in her empty apartment. Everything was packed, so thank goodness for my Leatherman or we would have been peeling limes with our fingernails and chewing the tops off the bottles. I'm gonna miss you, girl! It seems like we've only just gotten really close, and now she's gone off to NY. Thank God for the Internet and airplanes. I know we will keep in touch.

Monday Claudia and I did some holistic stuff that I won't go into here, but suffice to say, it was very mind-altering and good for the soul. I'm working on me again, and I'm feeling good about things in general.

Van Halen canceled the show in Dallas. I can't say I was very surprised. I am SO GLAD that I saw them in Cleveland when I had the chance.

Sunday I reconnected with with another old friend, someone I hadn't seen in about 13 years. We hung out a lot when I first moved here but lost touch after I got married and he moved to Dallas. It was so fun to catch up with him again. Seems we both have a bad memory, but between us we were able to remember most of our past exploits. Something about the amount of tequila we usually consume when we get together might play into that, but it makes for fun times!

I spent a good deal of time talking with friends and family over the weekend. I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life right now.

Saturday Claudia and I did some running around and had a really good meal at Thai Soon, and some much needed conversation.

Friday night was Emily's going-away and that turned into a bit of a #texas LJ soiree. I got to see safy again for the first time in 5 years and finally met tamble, albeit very briefly. I'm looking forward to seeing her again in a few weeks for the Gutter Twins show. Woot!

I got a perm, and I look like Shirley Temple now, but I kinda like it. *lol*

Good times, indeed.

van halen, hippie shit, weekend, friends, family

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