Anniversary Weekend

Jul 31, 2006 08:41

We had a really nice weekend. Of course Saturday was our actual anniversary, so Fin asked Kelly to sit for us and he took me out on a surprise date. Siobhan was great about us leaving, she was just excited that someone came over to see her, heheh. As soon as we got in the car, he gave me a new camera! It's just like the one that got broken in Ohio, but it's the lastest model and this one does 8.0 megapixels! (I had it on the 5.0 setting in these pictures because I didn't realize that until yesterday.)

First he took me to Mt. Bonnell and we had a little wine and cheese. (Louis Jadot Chardonnay, Jarlsberg cheese and Saint Albray cheese.) <- I love that review. That cheese is some stinky shit. Fin loves it. I loved the Jarlsberg though and I even had two bites of the French one. I think that makes me hardcore.

Mt. Bonnell

Watching the sunset.

Then we went to see the Treaty Oak, which I have never seen before!

For dinner he took me to Rounders, a very gourmet pizza joint that actually makes really good pizza. I didn't realize that was possible in Texas!

And we got to watch the 6th Street traffic go by.

Afterwards, we came home and had some more wine and went for a swim before bed. Sunday was a nice lazy day full of naps, and breakfast at home. We had leftover pizza for dinner last night and watched half of one of our favorite flicks, Snatch. All in all, a very relaxing weekend. I am spoiled!

photos, fin

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