Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: Been a busy week, but we have a new chapter at last! Honestly, this chapter could probably still use more work, but I’ve made you wait long enough. Hope you enjoy it. Nice and long to make up for the delay.
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Genesis swept his hair out of his hair.
|D;; that one pulled me out of the narrative for a good minute
I used to have an evil English teacher who told us it was cheating to have someone proof-read our essays. Apparently, I should've been kicked out of the class because I did it anyway. I also complained out loud... which oddly enough made him like me.
That English teacher was crazy! The very first bit of advice you read from almost any published author is to get other people to read it and check your work for you! Seems like a more constructive way to learn - although I suppose I could see it encouraging laziness in younger students. Like how spellchecker these days is actually having a negative effect on spelling - if people write it out phonetically, the computer can correct it for them, so they never actually learn how to spell the word properly.
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