Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: FFXIII comes out this week! Anybody remember how I sort of vanished off the net for a while after FFXII came out? Yeah, maybe should expect that again. Chapters should still be coming out on Sundays, though. I
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BUT BUT HIIINTS. :| dw i am sure there will be more fic wherein i can hassle you for more hints. :>
Just not through the PHS! Though silly of me to not consider the PHS because how else were they keeping in contact akhjgj. I really had no clear scenario of how it would happen besides him being a creepy turk and hovering around Nibelheim and just being his omniscient self. OR CLOSE TO. BUT I GUESS REGARDLESS HE'LL DISCOVER THINGS NOW RIGHT. :D JUST PLEASE TO NOT BE THROWING HIM INTO HOJO'S CLUTCHES, HE'S SPENT AGES (AND SO HAS CLOUD FOR THAT MATTER /:) ) IN THERE. CHAOS? :D?
I'm also wondering if you will have Sephiroth and Genesis and Zack coming to Nibelheim. Logically it seems like everything's going to converge there anyway and also, they should not be stuck at HQ for AGES AND AGES doing nothing productive. :? I THINK BOTH THEM AND US WANT TO SEE THEM UP TO SOME CLOUDRESCUUUE. :3 Thooough. If they all go to Nibelheim, how--with clearance or without? And there are morally ambiguous turks to consider, and also also ANGEAL DON'T THINK I HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT HIM WHY DO I GET THE VIBE HE IS GOING TO DO SOMETHING HONORABLE AND HEROIC AND NOT LIVE TO SURVIVE AND THUS MAKE ME WANT TO LIKE HIM. /:)
kahkljjakjkaljgklahgjk THAT'S IT. AFTER THIS. A FLOOD OF ZACK FIIICS Y/Y? *_* Though I AM GUESSING half the time you will just make me cry. (Everyone's a sucker for those happytragic cases, gosh. ;_;)
They are totally on Cloud's side (or will be /:)), clearly, because they're usually always on the winning side, begrudging on not. :>
Also who is actually loyal to Hojo. :\
XD I am not your personal writer! I've got plans for Genesis fic, but don't know beyond that! It's just - ZACK'S STORY IS SO PERFECT I KIND OF DON'T LIKE MESSING WITH IT MUCH?
Weren't the Turks kind of on the losing side in FFVII though? And in Crisis Core, they kinda wound up on secretly Zack's side, but Zack... ;___;
I CAN DREAM OKAY. :3 Oooh. I cannot say I have much interest in Genesis at all, though I get the feeling I'd end up reading it anyway. Hm. :| jkahg YEAAAH BUTBUT ZAAACK ;_; Squeenix are kind of genius when they created him--can never get enough of him. ;_; But man, I have to say, I love his ending, as much as I hate it. But, it's so. akhgkljajgkl
They kind of were, but in the end they kind of weren't, with AC. I mean they were with Rufus, and Rufus did have a change of heart. :D IT'S LIKE, THEY JUST WONT DIE.
Cissneiiii ;_;
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