Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: This chapter is quite long! Probably the longest yet. This is offset by the fact that next chapter is shorter than average. The last section was originally in the next chapter, but I moved it to this one
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Yours is the first FF7 time-travel fic I've genuinely, completely liked. Everything fits so well, and pretty much everyone's in character, and you made Cloud tolerate Sephiroth in such a believable way that does not involve anything outside of both their persons.
The people in this fic are exactly that - people, beings who have their own lives and particular connections to things not strictly plot-related, instead of tools that exist merely to react to and acknowledge Cloud crashing into their timeline.
Also, I can't believe you made me sympathize, if not like, Genesis. He's this hammy, diva-like dude in the game whom I should not feel for, and yet you've given him such dimension. You've made him a character, and not just some prop in the story. And let me tell you how much I adore the connections you've made between him and Cloud, and how logical it actually is for the both of them to understand each other that much.
Keep up the awesome work.
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