Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: This chapter was a pain in the neck to get right during editing, but in the end, I've become a little fond of it. ^_^ Hopefully you like it too.
Previous Chapter (
Chapter 26 )
Speaking of childhoods, will we get to see more of Nibelheim and chibi!Cloud? :O
Heeeee, the image of Sephiroth eating pie while Genesis is crouched in the bushes is so great. XDDD; And that he's completely clueless while Angeal and Genesis talk about degradation is so amusing to me. ♥
CLOUD. And bullet holes in Hollander. Turks involved? It better not be Tseng, otherwise I won't forgive him either. >__O Though since Tseng 'betrayed' Zack in canon, I can totally see that happening, even if he DID give Cloud some suicide-counseling here...D:
Am giving up fic for Lent, so next chapter will be the last I can read before Easter!! I hope it WON'T have a cliffie. ;__;
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This'll be my third year of no-fic, and I have noticed I have much more time for other things. XD; I even have a folder called 'Lent fic' where I store my story alert emails until later.
Makes you really concerned about his sani-- oh, wait. Nevermind.
I've already said all I'll say on Nibelheim and chibi-Cloud! I'm hardly going to tell everything that happens next in the comments. XD
Awww, giving up fic for Lent? :( We'll miss you terribly! I always look forward to your comments and thoughtful dissections And hilarious cracky ideas.
The only things keeping me going is knowing that you'll be updating once a week, so I won't have too much to catch up on once Easter rolls around! XD;
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