Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: Sorry for the wait, but I'm back now, and finally have a new chapter for you! :D
That said, I'm thinking I need to reclaim some weekdays, so I might stick to just Sunday chapters for a while if people don't mind
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(Hey, that rhymes! XD)
Anyways, awesome chapter (as always)
I'm so glad that Gen and Seph finally decided to look for Cloud and Angeal themselves. (And Kunsel and Zack get to tag along too! YAY!)
Right now, I really really really really hate Angeal. I still sympathized with him in the past chapters cuz he's dying and he's desperate and all but now, I despise him. It's all HIS fault that Cloud's in trouble. okay, maybe I should blame Hollander too... BUT IT'S STILL ANGEAL'S FAULT! Cloud already got Aeris working on the freaking curing water for crying out loud! He should have just waited! Seriously! (sorry for the rant XP)
Speaking of Cloud...
Cloud's failed escape made me so devastated. He was so close to freedom... It was just so heart breaking >___<
and of course... HOOOOJOOOOO!!!!!!
I knew you've been posting about how chapter 25 had a super cliffhanger and all, and I was planning to wait for you to post another chapter before reading it but then.. I don't have any self-control XD
ah well... I shall anticipate the next chapter next Sunday (An update a week is waaaaay better than 2 updates with much typos XD)
Thanks for your patience! I feel lousy for lengthening the standard time between chapters, but had to be realistic about the new year's rl committments. ^_^
(This is lame, but I have some sort of campy, terrible 'Nooooo, it's Hojoooooo' Disney villain-style song running through my head now XD)
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