Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: Wasn't terribly happy with this chapter, and I apologise for the predictable twist, but it all has a point eventually, promise. Also, Aeris/Aerith poll is still tied, go
vote if you have a preference.
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Oh Genesis. :D Angeal's response is gold, too. I love his mother-hen qualities, but he's not overprotective to the point of being annoying. I just like how, again, he scolds them but ends up following along anyway. These three have such a great dynamic together!!
Turk!Vincent!! It's amazing how his skills haven't deteriorated after 24-26-whatever years in a coffin, haha.
Like swyrel wrote, this new development is rather similar to Green Dreams. This kind of thing is always what I'm worried about when I start a new fic, whether or not the idea's been done before and I just haven't kept track. :/ Regardless, I think Jenova being gone is a reasonable twist considering the past is being changed. *shrugs* What can you do? I'm still looking forward to your take on events, haha.
Return to the lab?! Dang. I've never actually finished the game. D: Watched it being beat, sure, but the game kept crashing on my PC so I got tired of it. I should put that on my to-do list...
The deadpan apology works!! That's how I read it the first time, but then I tried it the contrite way and it amused me, too.
Waiting on more Vincent (and Chaos!) action. And Zack! ♥
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