Title: Optimal Scenario
Warnings: Contains not-particularly graphic shonen ai, mild language, and violence.
Summary: FFVII, Vincent/Cloud. Shelke decides to play matchmaker. This mostly seems to involve tormenting Cloud.
Author's Note: Thanks to
pennies_4_eyes ages and ages and ages ago, I was inspired to do some Vincent/Cloud fic, since this was probably my
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ETA: This is particularly cool because I just came across the cutscenes from Dirge and finished watching on Sunday. I can picture Shelke and Vincent so much better now, especially Shelke and her glowing eyes.
It also turned me into a Reeve fan.
Dirge had some pretty cheesy cutscenes though didn't it? I liked a lot of it but oh god I cringed and laughed a little at that last one with all the split screen cheering on. XD Didn't really fit with the utter darkness of the rest of it.
Rosso - UGH. And I started to count the number of times the bad guys said "So... we meet again!"
Still, the scenes with Vincent, Chaos and Reeve were worth slogging through it.
Ahaha the villains really were so awful. The Rosso vs Cloud fight was cool in terms of 'yay fight scene' but also I had a hard time taking it seriously because Rosso was soooo not a threat after Sephiroth.
Hey, at least you didn't play the game! Honestly I didn't actually finish the game, got a little over halfway then youtubed the rest. :/
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