LJ's became unreliable these past few days. But suddenly, it all came good again, so I'm posting garbage to make the most of it. Please feel free to skip.
Alan Menken did indeed do most of them! Lion King was an exception, a truly wonderful Oscar-winning exception. (I was surprised to hear he did Tangled, actually, since when I was sitting through it I kept thinking 'if only Alan Menken did the music instead', whoops! I think he's become too influenced by pop.)
I hear you, there's certainly a real romanticism about the 'what you take is what you get' school of photography. But if I put on my work hat for a minute, I wonder if HDR's popularity will eventually force pros that way, the same way FM radio transmission has changed the public expectation to make everything sound louder and more compressed than it would in reality. As in, they'll become so used to pro photography having that HDR look that the rest of the pros will be cornered into working that way to conform to public expectations. I hope for your case it doesn't become so, but what's your thoughts there?
I think I probably said September? It could still last longer, but as it gets closer and closer to contract expiry without a new project getting signed, my pessimism increases. :( But, you know, I signed on knowing this would probably be the case.
XD Counting textbooks? Awesome! That will make your list look very intellectual. Six months left, P-chan, read read read! (If only we could count fanfic.) Haha, ok, I will post the 25 to start off with. Wasn't planning on a full review per se, but I was going to write a little blurb about each one? Part review, part summary. You know, to try and convince other people to try out your favourites!
LOL, so long as we don't talk in picture bubbles! ;)
P.S. omg P-chan, I just realised the Melbourne Writer's Festival is on during the same weekend we're down for Manifest! \o/
Yeah, definitely agreeing with you on the pop side of Alan Menken. Tangled was definitely too pop for my tastes, but I suppose it suited the image Disney wanted. ...Idk, Tangled rather reminded me of Barbie with her long hair, until she chopped it short. Much more approval with that. :D
I don't believe HDR will take over everything, at least not to the point that it'll be applied to most professional photography. Yes, it's true that our time enjoys a lot more saturation in our photos, red and redder, and everything has to be be brighter, there are still movements against HDR. You know how vintage has come back again with all the little odd looking cameras? And with film, HDR can't be created unless you double expose your films, and that won't be done on a consumer scale. ...WAIT I THINK IT'S GETTING OFF TRACK. Yes, to a certain extent but it's never going to be completely changed. Photography is getting more accessable, but still, HDR is a complicated process and difficult to get right. (Though that leads to the difference between the public's discerning eye and the pro's).
And lol! I imagine my booklist will mostly have children lit on it, because that's the stuff I enjoy the most. I see how yours trends quite a bit towards scifi! (And even though I do love fantasy as a genre, I don't read that much of it? Well, at least not the larger tomes. I read the YA versions, lol.) I just... really love having kids as protagonists. It makes forgiving them their transgressions easier and allows them to have more hope for a better them in the future. :S
*_____* Have you checked the lists as to what events are on when we're there? Anything interesting?
Yeah, there were one or two songs in Tangled that weren't too bad (Mother Knows Best and its Reprise, and the bar song was cute too I guess), but the rest were so poppy it made me cringe. -_-; Ahahaha, Barbie! *cannot unsee the connection* I am too involved in computer animation to do anything more than marvel at the shaders they used for her hair, it made me forgive a lot. Gothel, also. Gothel made me forgive a lot of things. Best Disney villain in a long time!
Indeed, my reading list is always in favour of sci-fi and fantasy. Haha, I don't blame you for gravitating towards the YA novels, I myself have quite the soft spot for coming-of-age stories (when I think about it, many of my favourite manga and animes are in this vein). Kids also make interesting protagonists because they're not so grounded in reality and when they do crazy things it's more believable and... I don't know, less irresponsible, because they don't actually know better? Plus, automatic underdog status! You could probably write a whole thesis on this stuff. I actually wish more 'adult' books (adult in terms of length and complexity of plot) featured children as the protagonists.
There's one or two I wouldn't mind checking out! Although, hahaha, they don't have so much to do with writing per se... XD P.S. I am also probably going to have to wander off for a while on either the Friday or Monday to catch up with an old colleague and also to visit the US Consulate. :( I AM KEEPING THE WEEKEND MANIFEST DAYS AS FREE AS POSSIBLE THOUGH.
Originally I liked Gothel a lot, where she first bordered on the motherly figure, but I read a analysis of her that left a sour note in my mouth. She still gets others to do her work? And she's the old witch, selfish and nothing particularly revolutionary. (But then again, it is Disney and they never challenge stereotypes, tbh.) She's entertaining, but idk, Tangled still isn't at the level of the old stories. Why is that? It is really down the political correctness of it all? WHERE IS THE MAGIC, SIN? ;; Or have we just become too cynical?
I also find kids somehow manage to adjust better to new experiences and get down to doing things, rather than adults who angst and blame and get terrified. Kids get terrified but they get over it faster, and I like that. And oh gods, yes, longer YA novels, yes please, with the intricacies of adult fiction! ♥hearts;!
*___* Names, though you are more well-read than I so I doubt I will recognise. :P GOGOGOGO. ;; I am still cut up that I missed CMV while she was over in Australia. /gaaaaaah. Don't regret like I am!
Don't worry! I am wandering off on Monday afternoon to evening as I want to see my cousin and her cute kids. (Her husband is awesome, he's geeky and he introduced me to Dune and first leant me Nauusicaa: Valley of the Wind.) Also another friend wants to meet up and there's probably another family engagement, I am sort of hoping to get out of. :| One of the times I really hate facebook. They'll see I was in Melbourne and probably kick a fuss, but meh, I've only met them once and cbb using my days on them. :| :| I HAVE TOLD EVERYONE I AM NOT AT ALL AVAILABLE ON SAT-SUN. >:D
Whaaat? That analysis is so off. Using others do to her dirty work? Hardly! She stabbed Eugene in the back, boom! Just like that. No warning. Not enough villains are so practical. And she didn't even have any real powers - aside from her everlasting youth, she was a fairly ordinary human. She betrayed those goons with nothing more than the element of surprise and a sturdy bit of wood.
And she seemed to genuinely love that little sunshine flower, even if it was for selfish reasons. Also, selfish though she was, you did get the feeling that she had some genuine kind of twisted motherly love for Rapunzel too. Sure, she was controlling, and using her, but she also made her her favourite hazelnut soup, and at the start of the film, set out to make that three day journey to get the shells to make the white paint for Rapunzel's consolation birthday present? And that whole scheme was to make Rapunzel to come back willingly. That's the kind of emotional manipulation we haven't seen since Scar in the Lion King! Really, it was only at the very end that she crossed the moral event horizon as we know it.
/Is a Gothel fan, clearly. XD
All that said, I agree, Tangled was not quite up the old Disney movie magic, though it was probably the closest whiff Disney has had for a long while. The title and marketing were stupid, though. I wish they'd stuck more with the fantasy aspect instead of making things alternatively cutesy or edgy.
Ahhh, no authors I'm specifically interested in, really? It's more some of the panels that intrigue me. Honestly, most of the authors I care enough to meet are more likely to go to Supanova. XD Or they're already dead. Brisbane writer's fest is on right after, I will have to compare the tracks to see what's available.
Monday! That's convenient, if I can manage to wrangle an embassy appointment it will probably be on Monday. That reminds me, really must organise that.... Argh, there is not enough time before Manifest! How goes the cosplay?
...You have a very good argument. Yes, I did pick up that she seemed to love the flower, and it was a nice touch to have her give in to Rapunzel's wishes for birthday food. I sort of want to read post-Tangled and see how Rapunzel feels with a new mother and how that compares with Gothel and if she misses her.
(Are you looking forward to How to Train Your Dragon 2? I am wary of sequels, especially same named ones with a number tacked onto the end. BUT THE FIRST WAS SO GOOD. :| Oh and I have a longing to see Wall-E again.)
So will you go to the Fest then, or just wander? I think we definitely need a day at least to go wandering off. We only ever go for five days or so. ;; IT'S NEVER ENOUGH TO GET EVERYTHING.
The cosplay! Every time I look there seems to be more to do, GUH. But it's progressing and each week I have at least two days off from school which I'll be using to study and get heavy work on the cosplay. Today am going to start spraypainting? Or cutting out lotus petals and pads. :| (Also Mother is despairing over me since we went to Spotlight and got more cloth. It's sort of hilarious how my family now goes to Spotlight just as often as we go grocery shopping. Sis has taken up knitting and crossstitching (she made me a green scarf and she's doing this awesome Starbucks/Star Wars logo thing on cross stitch, I have to take a photo, you'd love it) and Mum is making new curtains for our rooms. And lol, of course there's me, eyeing more material for another kimono because I've suddenly decided I want to make one for Amaranth too. :| :| WE'RE SORT OF CRAZY.
Urgh, kind of two minds about HTTYD2! Haha, same reasons as you, really. I'll go see it, but... based on the short film they did (something about the Bonenapper Dragon?) I'm not filled with confidence.
Probably just wander! If I do go to the fest it'll only be for one or two panels probably, which is only an hour or two. So you're going to Amaranth after all then? (XD Ambitious of you, though why not just use that kimono you already have?!)
*___* Eeee, I kind of want progress shots! Also, lol, Star Wars cross stitch, WANT TO SEE.
LINK. I HAVE NOT HEARD OF THIS SHORT AT ALL. But here is an amusing video about cleaning and dancing.
I just got the confirmation email the other day, so I'm expecting the tickets very soon! :D And yeah, lol, am going to Amaranth. It will be interesting, because this year I will have my flash! >:D And aaaaahh, cannot wear Hana three days in a row! ;; Even more shame. But this one is rather gorgeous material, the one I'm making. It's like Chinese cheongsam material but of colourful chrysanthemums!
\o/ Excellent! Ahaha, I meant the kimono you wore to Supanova (last year I think it was?). With your fabulously expensive obi. Still, the new one sounds lovely too, can't wait to see it!
*__* I liked it! But still have no idea how the sequel is going to turn out. It's sort of repetitive, but I'm quite fascinated by how Astrid sort of relies on Mumble now. Reminds me of the fic you shared with me. *__* (and I want to go reread it now. -_-')
I sort of feel like the one I wore at Supanova isn't really a kimono? Since its sleeves don't match it's body. :S Maybe I'll sell it. (Lately I've been in love with kimono, and want to get vintage ones. ;; Still expensive though, so am making my own to my liking.) HOW IS SAKURA GOING?
(You mean Hiccup, right? Mumble is the protagonist of Happy Feet. XD) The fic is still going! So if you reread it, there will be more. Updates at a pretty decent pace! Apparently we're a mere dozen chapters away from the end now.
Ah, I can't really recall from the pictures. Heh, what a specialist interest, but I can see why! Furisode and Homogi especially. *__*
Sakura is, um... I WILL BE FINISHED, PROBABLY. Haven't even started the hardest parts yet, but I have at least finished the red edging on the white shoulder throw? It's a little crooked but it kind of works out better that way anyway...
/facepalm YES HICCUP. Damnit animators for naming their characters as sounds! And eeeeeh? What do you mean it's still going?! It's listed as finished on FF.net, unless you're reading somewhere else? OR THERE'S HTTYD ANOTHER SEQUEL THAT I DON'T KNOW ABOUT.
*_* SOUNDS GOOD THOUGH. And good luck! Maybe we should do update photos this weekend. ;D
Lol, you linked me to Talking In Her Sleep ages ago, and that was the story, and the sequel about Rome that I was talking about. BUT OOOOH, FIC. *adds it to read list*
I hear you, there's certainly a real romanticism about the 'what you take is what you get' school of photography. But if I put on my work hat for a minute, I wonder if HDR's popularity will eventually force pros that way, the same way FM radio transmission has changed the public expectation to make everything sound louder and more compressed than it would in reality. As in, they'll become so used to pro photography having that HDR look that the rest of the pros will be cornered into working that way to conform to public expectations. I hope for your case it doesn't become so, but what's your thoughts there?
I think I probably said September? It could still last longer, but as it gets closer and closer to contract expiry without a new project getting signed, my pessimism increases. :( But, you know, I signed on knowing this would probably be the case.
XD Counting textbooks? Awesome! That will make your list look very intellectual. Six months left, P-chan, read read read! (If only we could count fanfic.) Haha, ok, I will post the 25 to start off with. Wasn't planning on a full review per se, but I was going to write a little blurb about each one? Part review, part summary. You know, to try and convince other people to try out your favourites!
LOL, so long as we don't talk in picture bubbles! ;)
P.S. omg P-chan, I just realised the Melbourne Writer's Festival is on during the same weekend we're down for Manifest! \o/
I don't believe HDR will take over everything, at least not to the point that it'll be applied to most professional photography. Yes, it's true that our time enjoys a lot more saturation in our photos, red and redder, and everything has to be be brighter, there are still movements against HDR. You know how vintage has come back again with all the little odd looking cameras? And with film, HDR can't be created unless you double expose your films, and that won't be done on a consumer scale. ...WAIT I THINK IT'S GETTING OFF TRACK. Yes, to a certain extent but it's never going to be completely changed. Photography is getting more accessable, but still, HDR is a complicated process and difficult to get right. (Though that leads to the difference between the public's discerning eye and the pro's).
And lol! I imagine my booklist will mostly have children lit on it, because that's the stuff I enjoy the most. I see how yours trends quite a bit towards scifi! (And even though I do love fantasy as a genre, I don't read that much of it? Well, at least not the larger tomes. I read the YA versions, lol.) I just... really love having kids as protagonists. It makes forgiving them their transgressions easier and allows them to have more hope for a better them in the future. :S
*_____* Have you checked the lists as to what events are on when we're there? Anything interesting?
Indeed, my reading list is always in favour of sci-fi and fantasy. Haha, I don't blame you for gravitating towards the YA novels, I myself have quite the soft spot for coming-of-age stories (when I think about it, many of my favourite manga and animes are in this vein). Kids also make interesting protagonists because they're not so grounded in reality and when they do crazy things it's more believable and... I don't know, less irresponsible, because they don't actually know better? Plus, automatic underdog status! You could probably write a whole thesis on this stuff. I actually wish more 'adult' books (adult in terms of length and complexity of plot) featured children as the protagonists.
There's one or two I wouldn't mind checking out! Although, hahaha, they don't have so much to do with writing per se... XD P.S. I am also probably going to have to wander off for a while on either the Friday or Monday to catch up with an old colleague and also to visit the US Consulate. :( I AM KEEPING THE WEEKEND MANIFEST DAYS AS FREE AS POSSIBLE THOUGH.
I also find kids somehow manage to adjust better to new experiences and get down to doing things, rather than adults who angst and blame and get terrified. Kids get terrified but they get over it faster, and I like that. And oh gods, yes, longer YA novels, yes please, with the intricacies of adult fiction! ♥hearts;!
*___* Names, though you are more well-read than I so I doubt I will recognise. :P GOGOGOGO. ;; I am still cut up that I missed CMV while she was over in Australia. /gaaaaaah. Don't regret like I am!
Don't worry! I am wandering off on Monday afternoon to evening as I want to see my cousin and her cute kids. (Her husband is awesome, he's geeky and he introduced me to Dune and first leant me Nauusicaa: Valley of the Wind.) Also another friend wants to meet up and there's probably another family engagement, I am sort of hoping to get out of. :| One of the times I really hate facebook. They'll see I was in Melbourne and probably kick a fuss, but meh, I've only met them once and cbb using my days on them. :| :| I HAVE TOLD EVERYONE I AM NOT AT ALL AVAILABLE ON SAT-SUN. >:D
And she seemed to genuinely love that little sunshine flower, even if it was for selfish reasons. Also, selfish though she was, you did get the feeling that she had some genuine kind of twisted motherly love for Rapunzel too. Sure, she was controlling, and using her, but she also made her her favourite hazelnut soup, and at the start of the film, set out to make that three day journey to get the shells to make the white paint for Rapunzel's consolation birthday present? And that whole scheme was to make Rapunzel to come back willingly. That's the kind of emotional manipulation we haven't seen since Scar in the Lion King! Really, it was only at the very end that she crossed the moral event horizon as we know it.
/Is a Gothel fan, clearly. XD
All that said, I agree, Tangled was not quite up the old Disney movie magic, though it was probably the closest whiff Disney has had for a long while. The title and marketing were stupid, though. I wish they'd stuck more with the fantasy aspect instead of making things alternatively cutesy or edgy.
Ahhh, no authors I'm specifically interested in, really? It's more some of the panels that intrigue me. Honestly, most of the authors I care enough to meet are more likely to go to Supanova. XD Or they're already dead. Brisbane writer's fest is on right after, I will have to compare the tracks to see what's available.
Monday! That's convenient, if I can manage to wrangle an embassy appointment it will probably be on Monday. That reminds me, really must organise that.... Argh, there is not enough time before Manifest! How goes the cosplay?
Long thread is long. XD
(Are you looking forward to How to Train Your Dragon 2? I am wary of sequels, especially same named ones with a number tacked onto the end. BUT THE FIRST WAS SO GOOD. :| Oh and I have a longing to see Wall-E again.)
So will you go to the Fest then, or just wander? I think we definitely need a day at least to go wandering off. We only ever go for five days or so. ;; IT'S NEVER ENOUGH TO GET EVERYTHING.
The cosplay! Every time I look there seems to be more to do, GUH. But it's progressing and each week I have at least two days off from school which I'll be using to study and get heavy work on the cosplay. Today am going to start spraypainting? Or cutting out lotus petals and pads. :| (Also Mother is despairing over me since we went to Spotlight and got more cloth. It's sort of hilarious how my family now goes to Spotlight just as often as we go grocery shopping. Sis has taken up knitting and crossstitching (she made me a green scarf and she's doing this awesome Starbucks/Star Wars logo thing on cross stitch, I have to take a photo, you'd love it) and Mum is making new curtains for our rooms. And lol, of course there's me, eyeing more material for another kimono because I've suddenly decided I want to make one for Amaranth too. :| :| WE'RE SORT OF CRAZY.
Urgh, kind of two minds about HTTYD2! Haha, same reasons as you, really. I'll go see it, but... based on the short film they did (something about the Bonenapper Dragon?) I'm not filled with confidence.
Probably just wander! If I do go to the fest it'll only be for one or two panels probably, which is only an hour or two. So you're going to Amaranth after all then? (XD Ambitious of you, though why not just use that kimono you already have?!)
*___* Eeee, I kind of want progress shots! Also, lol, Star Wars cross stitch, WANT TO SEE.
I just got the confirmation email the other day, so I'm expecting the tickets very soon! :D And yeah, lol, am going to Amaranth. It will be interesting, because this year I will have my flash! >:D And aaaaahh, cannot wear Hana three days in a row! ;; Even more shame. But this one is rather gorgeous material, the one I'm making. It's like Chinese cheongsam material but of colourful chrysanthemums!
\o/ Excellent! Ahaha, I meant the kimono you wore to Supanova (last year I think it was?). With your fabulously expensive obi. Still, the new one sounds lovely too, can't wait to see it!
I sort of feel like the one I wore at Supanova isn't really a kimono? Since its sleeves don't match it's body. :S Maybe I'll sell it. (Lately I've been in love with kimono, and want to get vintage ones. ;; Still expensive though, so am making my own to my liking.) HOW IS SAKURA GOING?
Ah, I can't really recall from the pictures. Heh, what a specialist interest, but I can see why! Furisode and Homogi especially. *__*
Sakura is, um... I WILL BE FINISHED, PROBABLY. Haven't even started the hardest parts yet, but I have at least finished the red edging on the white shoulder throw? It's a little crooked but it kind of works out better that way anyway...
*_* SOUNDS GOOD THOUGH. And good luck! Maybe we should do update photos this weekend. ;D
XD I will see what I can do.
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