Mar 12, 2005 16:35
FUCK! Leaving tomrrow for grand parents. Will spend better part of week playing billiards and getting drunk/ talking about nazism with grandfather.
Shows I must be attend in near future:
Throwdown 04/09
DAMN 13/ Motorhead 04/28
NIN TORONTO...must find tickets grrr..
How am i gonna live w/o drums for 5/6 days???????
JON, call me about cthulu dawn and we'll run up a line-up for coffee house after march break. i blew up a light bulb...very cool. It was one of those crazy hot lights that i poured a glass of water on...lmao KA-BOOM! weird shit, i didnt even mean to do it. The dork's away playing ringette. to add drums to latest BTE stuff for possible Agora show soon (TBC)... oh yeah, i'm talkin with the mack and editing the show from 02/23 and possibly we gonna release a bootleg. Will sell very very cheap.